Dea Chopper?


so an loud aircraft has flown over my outdoor grow 2 times in 2 nights wondering if this is DEA conduct im going to start monitoring the times if the fly bys continue tonight was 830 ish and i cant remember the last one it stay just out of sight of my view tho
any insight will be MUCH apprieciaTTED also i only hav two flowering plants and a few babies so would this give off a strong enough heat signal


So you're growing well over a hundred plants, then?

I'd have to think if the DEA was watching someone, they probably wouldn't know it.


Active Member
pics would help. you're probably worrying about something that is not related to you whatsoever.

you also say this is an outdoor grow. do you mean a greenhouse? where else would they get a heat signature from on the FLiR? you don't actually believe that your plants give off some secret special signature do you?


Well-Known Member
They can't see outdoor plants at night kiddo. If it's light out still at that time, and the green of your plants stands out like a sore thumb against a backdrop of lesser greens or brown lawn or dirt, then they can see them, but flir and heat signature and IR works only on indoor lights.

Having said that, it may not be the best time to risk your freedom period. You could tie them down low to the ground, and cover them at night or disguise them with fake flowers or amidst other taller legal vegetation or something like that you know...


Active Member
Tie some fake flowers onto them.

Plus you dont have.enough plants to justify a raid. To be safe dont create a path to your plants. Take a different rout daily. Do not leave incriminating evidence nearby.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
henry hill thought he was just being paranoid...haha really unless you have a plantation going on i doubt they would waste a chopper on you. 2 plants are pretty hard to spot from the air.