DEA Hits Seattle with Raids

If you notice my profile picture, that's me....that's the White House....those are riot cops.....that's a bowl in my hand.

This was taken in 1978 at a NORML protest in Washington DC. I was tear-gassed twice, my friend was chased by a baton-wielding cop on a moped yelling "I'll GET YOU NIGGER!" Someone cut the tires to the generator truck for the sound system....a lot of crap went down.

The reason I bring this up is that while we've won some battles, we have not won the war. Many other states are watching how things go in CO, and depending on how things turn out there, these states will be more willing to sign-off on the dumb pot laws.

Our politicians must feel the pressure from voters if laws are going to change. If that means CIVIL weed rallies, for which the protestors clean up after themselves, things will change for the better everywhere.
If you notice my profile picture, that's me....that's the White House....those are riot cops.....that's a bowl in my hand.

This was taken in 1978 at a NORML protest in Washington DC. I was tear-gassed twice, my friend was chased by a baton-wielding cop on a moped yelling "I'll GET YOU NIGGER!" Someone cut the tires to the generator truck for the sound system....a lot of crap went down.

The reason I bring this up is that while we've won some battles, we have not won the war. Many other states are watching how things go in CO, and depending on how things turn out there, these states will be more willing to sign-off on the dumb pot laws.

Our politicians must feel the pressure from voters if laws are going to change. If that means CIVIL weed rallies, for which the protestors clean up after themselves, things will change for the better everywhere.

I am referring to people living in states where they have already attained the right to posses or use pot for medical or recreational purposes.
After gaining your civil liberties, why feel the need to stand in front everyone, rubbing it in their faces.
I agree there is a need for public awareness and an understanding that mj users are comprised of people of all walks of life.
I just don't want to be stereotyped and considered one of the masses who stand in public defiance with their lighter in the air yelling "Play Freebird", in a haze of smoke, sweat and patchoulis.

You lead by example and don't follow the typical misunderstood stoner rebel path.
You show that stoners aren't lazy video-gamers with over-developed thumbs, wasting away in their mother's basement.
You register to vote, you attend city council meetings with informed statistics and research.
You show the nay-sayers that stoners are educated well spoken leaders in the community, you don't blow smoke in their face and demand your rights.
They will listen more when they can see through the smoke!
You lead by example and don't follow the typical misunderstood stoner rebel path.
You show that stoners aren't lazy video-gamers with over-developed thumbs, wasting away in their mother's basement.
You register to vote, you attend city council meetings with informed statistics and research.
You show the nay-sayers that stoners are educated well spoken leaders in the community, you don't blow smoke in their face and demand your rights.
They will listen more when they can see through the smoke!

Well said, the people who are going to kill it in the next 15 years will be the ones doing exactly this. Especially convincing people that are on the complete opposite end of the pot tolerance spectrum of the second line.
I had wrote a real long post, but it just depressed me, so I won't subject it others!

all I'm gonna say is this sort of shit started your guys Civil War, this isn't about MMJ anymore, it's a Civil Rights Issue.
Yeah yeah...

here is the problem... some of us are doing things legitimately so that the FEDS will back the fuck off. There are always a few rotten apples in the bunch. There are several in Colorado that could use an audit or 2... as a MMJ business owner, we collectively have to defend the shield that we earned to keep things like this from happening... These Seattle guys make us all look bad to outsiders. Same goes for the college bars that are selling booze to those underage

thats my devil's advocate line for the day

The Feds will never back off until they change their federal laws, if ever, to the Feds, cannabis is illegal, no matter what, I heard some dickhead in a doco yesterday saying that he's gonna personally put in jail, police chiefs and local officials that support or allow any type of cannabis, medicinal or not! Now what kind of statement is that, he's just saying state laws don't mean shit then!

your misinformed if you think your safe because your following state law, most the people that get busted are legal under state law, the Feds will bust whoever they want, especially if your making money from it, these stupid laws are like a meal ticket for the Feds, all they have to do is get the records off of the states of everyone involved in MMJ, go down the list and say 'hmmm, I think will take this one today!'

every raid will be under the premise, that they are breaking state law, doesn't mean they are, but I agree that some definitely are, as in every aspect of life.

just look at things like the Iraq war, the gov. started wars sayings that Iraq had WMDs, did they fuck, surely by now you must realise own the system works.

Id actually like to see the figures of the actual raids on MMJ dispensaries and how many were actually convicted of their initial charges, prob under 10% if even that!
And even if they are selling to underage, is it really a federal concern, why can't state police enforce the laws, if a 24/7 was found to be selling underage alcohol, the federal gov won't raid them, local police will enforce it.
Saying they are selling to underage/out of state is just a excuse for them to raid u, look at the extent the Gov will go to fuck people over.

take tommy chong.
I happen to know for a solid fact that two of the places accused of selling elbo's out the back door simply DON"T do that sort of thing. The pigs use the Media to demonize anyone thats busted so that even those in the same culture turn against them because they perceive them as bad because of some lame ass news coverage or bogus info planted in the media by pigs!

And the even if they are selling pounds to adults, so fucking what we have tons of serious problems in this country that need addressing.

Of course they have to make the people the bust look worse than they are because at the root of it all there just people selling weeds.

I really feel like these fucken pigs should be spending there time stopping sex slavery and human trafficking. It just doesn't make sense that someone not doing any crimes against humanity gets pretty much fucked. Then people trafficking little kids and forcing them into sex slavery just keep doing there thing. That's whats really fucked. You don't hear about that shit in the news though they would rather blow up some stupid stuff like this. I really think that almost half of America I hope anyway that much has woken up to this kinda lame propaganda. I know the whole sex slave thing is off topic but I feel that it cause far more harm than someone selling a few elbows.
Glad im not dumb enough to put my damn name on a list for a half way legal business. Rather just stick to 100% illegal and well of the red white and blue's radar.

Even if my state passes the law, I'm never going to get my card or be associated with it. That's just one more way the gov will try and fuck me, and pick my pockets. I look at it, as a small time hustler trying to evade the larger gang of which hes operating on there turf. ITS NO DIFFERENT. The government is nothing but THUGS, fighting to control you and your money. Nothing happens without them benefiting from it, think about it.

I'm just waiting for this gang to crash and burn, so many small gangs can take over, and start this shit all over again, like our forefathers would want. They were bad ass mother fuckers who did not take shit from nobody, and in today's eyes, would be viewed as domestic terrorists. I would like to think I did a positive thing in my life when i go to shut my eyes, not just get herded like cattle into the mold of a slave for the government.
Glad im not dumb enough to put my damn name on a list for a half way legal business.Rather just stick to 100% illegal and well of the red white and blue's radar.

Even if my state passes the law, I'm never going to get my card or be associated with it. That's just one more way the gov will try and fuck me, and pick my pockets. I look at it, as a small time hustler trying to evade the larger gang of which hes operating on there turf. ITS NO DIFFERENT. The government is nothing but THUGS, fighting to control you and your money. Nothing happens without them benefiting from it, think about it.
I agree with your views on the government. I will never register for a card, and even though it is legal to grow a few plants here, NO ONE but my wife and two other people have seen the grow room, including my family.

Most the card holders in Colorado are males ages 22-35. they qualify with things like "restless leg syndrome" and "migraines.
Most of these card holders proved that they are willing to jump through hoops to get weed, and feel socially accepted buying and smoking it.
And let's face it, it's just easier to be a college kid in a new town when you can go to the store and shop for it. Most these kids will pool there money, rehearse the symptoms and use one friend to acquire the card. He is their weed guy now. They use him to go the shops and make purchases. One person, several smokers.

I don't know other states, I figure people are people everywhere, and it's the same most MMJ states. (your kidding yourself if you think otherwise)
90 +% of card holders were smokers before, and this just made it easier to shop.
When they realized they had a qualifying condition, it was game on!

Medical Mj is incredible and will probably change the face of medicine in years to come.
MJ is an amazing plant with incredible, medical, spiritual and psychological benefits. We are years from fully realizing and understanding all this plant can do!
But in the mean time, do we want the spokesperson for medical mj use to be the ski bum kid who smoked for years before he ever found the loophole in the law that allows him to buy it over the counter?

I have two people I help with mj.
One is a chemotherapy patient, and the other has Crohn's disease. They are on the "weed free for life" payment plan.
Neither of them has a card and never thought to try and get one.

Putting yourself on a government list of card holders may come back to bite them in the ass later.
Glad im not dumb enough to put my damn name on a list for a half way legal business.Rather just stick to 100% illegal and well of the red white and blue's radar.

Even if my state passes the law, I'm never going to get my card or be associated with it. That's just one more way the gov will try and fuck me, and pick my pockets. I look at it, as a small time hustler trying to evade the larger gang of which hes operating on there turf. ITS NO DIFFERENT. The government is nothing but THUGS, fighting to control you and your money. Nothing happens without them benefiting from it, think about it.
I agree with your views on the government. I will never register for a card, and even though it is legal to grow a few plants here, NO ONE but my wife and two other people have seen the grow room, including my family.

Most the card holders in Colorado are males ages 22-35. they qualify with things like "restless leg syndrome" and "migraines.
Most of these card holders proved that they are willing to jump through hoops to get weed, and feel socially accepted buying and smoking it.
And let's face it, it's just easier to be a college kid in a new town when you can go to the store and shop for it. Most these kids will pool there money, rehearse the symptoms and use one friend to acquire the card. He is their weed guy now. They use him to go the shops and make purchases. One person, several smokers.

I don't know other states, I figure people are people everywhere, and it's the same most MMJ states. (your kidding yourself if you think otherwise)
90 +% of card holders were smokers before, and this just made it easier to shop.
When they realized they had a qualifying condition, it was game on!

Medical Mj is incredible and will probably change the face of medicine in years to come.
MJ is an amazing plant with incredible, medical, spiritual and psychological benefits. We are years from fully realizing and understanding all this plant can do!
But in the mean time, do we want the spokesperson for medical mj use to be the ski bum kid who smoked for years before he ever found the loophole in the law that allows him to buy it over the counter?

I have two people I help with mj.
One is a chemotherapy patient, and the other has Crohn's disease. They are on the "weed free for life" payment plan.
Neither of them has a card and never thought to try and get one.

Putting yourself on a government list of card holders may come back to bite them in the ass later. are a wise man. As I understand it, the readily available weed in the dispensaries has had a positive effect on the cost of weed on the street.....or negative if you're the price of good shit is much less in the states that it's legal.

Thank you for caring for those that are in need. You're a good man Charlie Brown.

If NYS decided to make pot legal, or at least for medical reasons, I don't think I would get a card (I'm having too much fun growing my own). I agree with you about our government's greed and focus on this. The "war on drugs" is a big business in politics and they are not too willing to give up the power this war gives them.
See thats the thing, that is the very thing our forefathers did was sign there name even though it meant they were committing treason.
Jills been registered for almost 17 years and myself 10 and were kinda proud of it :) But I also respect the hell out of RockyMTNMan's views as well you don't need permission to be free in this country but we all fight in our own way.

I watched "pot cops" yesterday on discovery channel and it was disgusting. ..the ppl they were fkn w yeah they may have had too many plants but they were no criminals...they werent threats to society or anything like that....theres far worse ppl walkin the streets doin far worse things.
Glad im not dumb enough to put my damn name on a list for a half way legal business. Rather just stick to 100% illegal and well of the red white and blue's radar.

Even if my state passes the law, I'm never going to get my card or be associated with it. That's just one more way the gov will try and fuck me, and pick my pockets. I look at it, as a small time hustler trying to evade the larger gang of which hes operating on there turf. ITS NO DIFFERENT. The government is nothing but THUGS, fighting to control you and your money. Nothing happens without them benefiting from it, think about it.

I'm just waiting for this gang to crash and burn, so many small gangs can take over, and start this shit all over again, like our forefathers would want. They were bad ass mother fuckers who did not take shit from nobody, and in today's eyes, would be viewed as domestic terrorists. I would like to think I did a positive thing in my life when i go to shut my eyes, not just get herded like cattle into the mold of a slave for the government.

Well said I agree. Only way I would go public is when its legal on a federal level.
I just have the feeling the Feds will never reschedule it, I do not believe that the Feds are actually so retarded that they believe their own bullshit, they know what they're doing.
For whatever reason they do not want cannabis legal and I don't see anything changing short of a revolution, and that would never happen cos the fuckers would have your ass in Guantanamo bay before you even got started!

I used to get sooooo pissed off when I saw these stupid politicians come out with their bullshit, saying it has no medical value, it's a gateway drug or whatever bullshit, but I've come to the realisation now that these people saying this know its bullshit, so you can't convince them otherwise.

The powers that be are the only people that can change the situation and they won't because they will lose to much money and power, most people think this is about some joints and getting high, but its not. Think what could happen with full legalisation. Big Pharma would lose billions, cannabis could probably replace 50% of prescriptions and be grown at home, the tobacco and alcohol companies would lose billions too, people over time would stop drinking and smoking tobacco as much in favour of cannabis. And I haven't even got into the million other possible uses of cannabis or hemp.

I wouldn't even put it past these lying scum fucks to have actually found the cure for cancer and withhold it from us because they can't patent it and rape the shit out of it, and would rather watch people die than give them access to medicine (sound familiar?)

Then again why would anyone listen to me, they will tell you I'm just some paranoid pot smoker sitting in my basement making up conspiracy theories!
I just have the feeling the Feds will never reschedule it, I do not believe that the Feds are actually so retarded that they believe their own bullshit, they know what they're doing.
For whatever reason they do not want cannabis legal and I don't see anything changing short of a revolution, and that would never happen cos the fuckers would have your ass in Guantanamo bay before you even got started!

I used to get sooooo pissed off when I saw these stupid politicians come out with their bullshit, saying it has no medical value, it's a gateway drug or whatever bullshit, but I've come to the realisation now that these people saying this know its bullshit, so you can't convince them otherwise.

The powers that be are the only people that can change the situation and they won't because they will lose to much money and power, most people think this is about some joints and getting high, but its not. Think what could happen with full legalisation. Big Pharma would lose billions, cannabis could probably replace 50% of prescriptions and be grown at home, the tobacco and alcohol companies would lose billions too, people over time would stop drinking and smoking tobacco as much in favour of cannabis. And I haven't even got into the million other possible uses of cannabis or hemp.

I wouldn't even put it past these lying scum fucks to have actually found the cure for cancer and withhold it from us because they can't patent it and rape the shit out of it, and would rather watch people die than give them access to medicine (sound familiar?)

Then again why would anyone listen to me, they will tell you I'm just some paranoid pot smoker sitting in my basement making up conspiracy theories!

I totally agree.
Street price has an interesting mentality. Kind bud for example, it seems to sell for a standard, let's say $20 dollars a gram for a single gram. The common smoker, has a resistance to paying more then the $20 dollars. Even if one brand of kind is say actually twice as potent and tasty as another. The price is still $20, although logically the price should be 20 and 40. Seeing as one is twice what the other is... I think the government will end up standardizing mediocrity as far as pot is concerned... And true masters of the production art will always command top dollar.
Street price has an interesting mentality. Kind bud for example, it seems to sell for a standard, let's say $20 dollars a gram for a single gram. The common smoker, has a resistance to paying more then the $20 dollars. Even if one brand of kind is say actually twice as potent and tasty as another. The price is still $20, although logically the price should be 20 and 40. Seeing as one is twice what the other is... I think the government will end up standardizing mediocrity as far as pot is concerned... And true masters of the production art will always command top dollar.

Then we should continue to strive to become "masters of production"......we're a head of the game already.
The price and quality was the main reason I started growing, was probably the most intelligent decision of my whole life. People don't think twice about buying from drug dealers, yet would definitely think twice about growing cannabis, why?
Surely giving your money to a drug dealer and the black market is a lot worse than growing a plant, yet society seems to have it the other way round, that's another thing the government has done to control you and cannabis.

But that's just the paranoid pot smoker in me, again, heh.