Dealer, Please

Total Head

Well-Known Member
I just wanted to take a moment to bitch about all of the rotten useless weed dealers out there. I'm new to growing so I'm still at the mercy of the crap peddlers and bullshit artists who claim to sell weed. First theres people selling dirt shwag calling it "good mids". Theres the people who put themselves out there, get you all comfortable, then just stop selling good shit, replace it with shwag, and have the audacity to charge the same price with no warning. Finally, there are the ones who do sell good (not great) weed and try to charge 20 a gram for it because it such sick shit when it's just everyday kb. Fuck you all, you know who you are. May you all get permanent constipation. :finger:


Well-Known Member
I think my guy may be trying to dumb the weed down on me right now. I get g's for $20 and the stuff I got the first few times was really good but today it seems a little below what he normally gives me. Less smell, weak taste, semi brown color. It actually has a good high and doesn't take much to get there so I'll just say something if this becomes a regular occurrence.

I just wanted to take a moment to bitch about all of the rotten useless weed dealers out there. I'm new to growing so I'm still at the mercy of the crap peddlers and bullshit artists who claim to sell weed. First theres people selling dirt shwag calling it "good mids". Theres the people who put themselves out there, get you all comfortable, then just stop selling good shit, replace it with shwag, and have the audacity to charge the same price with no warning. Finally, there are the ones who do sell good (not great) weed and try to charge 20 a gram for it because it such sick shit when it's just everyday kb. Fuck you all, you know who you are. May you all get permanent constipation. :finger:


New Member
I just wanted to take a moment to bitch about all of the rotten useless weed dealers out there. I'm new to growing so I'm still at the mercy of the crap peddlers and bullshit artists who claim to sell weed. First theres people selling dirt shwag calling it "good mids". Theres the people who put themselves out there, get you all comfortable, then just stop selling good shit, replace it with shwag, and have the audacity to charge the same price with no warning. Finally, there are the ones who do sell good (not great) weed and try to charge 20 a gram for it because it such sick shit when it's just everyday kb. Fuck you all, you know who you are. May you all get permanent constipation. :finger:
What you gotta remember though buddy is it isn't the dealer, the dealer probably used to be a decent guy, but he has probably gone through the same thing that all dealers go through.

which is

your just a toker you buy some bits and you have friends that are always hassling you for stuff, not close great friends but friends none the less.

so you get some bits and your buying an oz at a time and splitting it between you and your boys, then you want more and soon your buying qp's or hp's, then your thinking fuck i'm doing all this for all this risk and all these mother fuckers are just taking the piss, i might as well at least get my smoke for free, so you buy a qp and then sell on at normal prices.

This is your first step into dealing.

Now at this stage your getting an extra 100 bucks a week and a bit of smoke everyones happy, but then greed sets in and the person starts to change, they don't want to go work in a warehouse for 6 bucks an hour they want to sit at home getting blasted and earning money. So they rely solely on this as an income.

Then you pick up more people, friends introduce friends and before long you got a bunch of people all asking you if they can pay you on friday, or whatever. So now your in the shit a bit all your money is tied up in that weed and you need some more for the people that do pay and then you get caught up with a bigger dealer who can loan you large amounts and then your just owned.

You sell whatever your given whenver to whoever because otherwise the lights will go out and you won't eat.

This hasn't happened to me, but i've seen it happen to a lot of people.

not all dealers were assholes, they have just gone down a horrible spiral.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't really matter why someone is pathetic. They just are.

What you gotta remember though buddy is it isn't the dealer, the dealer probably used to be a decent guy, but he has probably gone through the same thing that all dealers go through.

which is

your just a toker you buy some bits and you have friends that are always hassling you for stuff, not close great friends but friends none the less.

so you get some bits and your buying an oz at a time and splitting it between you and your boys, then you want more and soon your buying qp's or hp's, then your thinking fuck i'm doing all this for all this risk and all these mother fuckers are just taking the piss, i might as well at least get my smoke for free, so you buy a qp and then sell on at normal prices.

This is your first step into dealing.

Now at this stage your getting an extra 100 bucks a week and a bit of smoke everyones happy, but then greed sets in and the person starts to change, they don't want to go work in a warehouse for 6 bucks an hour they want to sit at home getting blasted and earning money. So they rely solely on this as an income.

Then you pick up more people, friends introduce friends and before long you got a bunch of people all asking you if they can pay you on friday, or whatever. So now your in the shit a bit all your money is tied up in that weed and you need some more for the people that do pay and then you get caught up with a bigger dealer who can loan you large amounts and then your just owned.

You sell whatever your given whenver to whoever because otherwise the lights will go out and you won't eat.

This hasn't happened to me, but i've seen it happen to a lot of people.

not all dealers were assholes, they have just gone down a horrible spiral.


New Member
It doesn't really matter why someone is pathetic. They just are.
its not the dealers that are pathetic though, it is the situation that has made them so. Life is hard mate and some people don't take it as well and go all kind of different routes, we should not hate them for it though, its the people higher up the chain in the dealer world that we should, the people that just put any shit through, push it on the smaller dealers that have to earn a living. If thats all there is around and they can't get nothing else these guys need money, and they will still be getting charged high amounts from their dealers.

No one grows good dope for money any more because they know they don't have to, they get just as much money for not giving a fuck.

Thats why all us guys on here grow for ourselves, we don't tell a soul and we don't share. Because its private stash, money can't buy our shit, if your paying 20 bucks an eigth or whatever for the normal shit, what is ours going to be worth and it's still worth far more to us

Total Head

Well-Known Member
What you gotta remember though buddy is it isn't the dealer, the dealer probably used to be a decent guy, but he has probably gone through the same thing that all dealers go through.

which is

your just a toker you buy some bits and you have friends that are always hassling you for stuff, not close great friends but friends none the less.

so you get some bits and your buying an oz at a time and splitting it between you and your boys, then you want more and soon your buying qp's or hp's, then your thinking fuck i'm doing all this for all this risk and all these mother fuckers are just taking the piss, i might as well at least get my smoke for free, so you buy a qp and then sell on at normal prices.

This is your first step into dealing.

Now at this stage your getting an extra 100 bucks a week and a bit of smoke everyones happy, but then greed sets in and the person starts to change, they don't want to go work in a warehouse for 6 bucks an hour they want to sit at home getting blasted and earning money. So they rely solely on this as an income.

Then you pick up more people, friends introduce friends and before long you got a bunch of people all asking you if they can pay you on friday, or whatever. So now your in the shit a bit all your money is tied up in that weed and you need some more for the people that do pay and then you get caught up with a bigger dealer who can loan you large amounts and then your just owned.

You sell whatever your given whenver to whoever because otherwise the lights will go out and you won't eat.

This hasn't happened to me, but i've seen it happen to a lot of people.

not all dealers were assholes, they have just gone down a horrible spiral.
That's just my point. If you're just some dude who buys big head sacs and then sells some on the side, dont make yourself out a weed dealer. That makes you a pothead with leftovers, not a dealer. So you're basically buying at street price, then skimping the bag because god knows you cant buy it at a certain price and sell it at the same price to make a profit. Nobody's serious about selling weed, which is fucking retarded considering the risk that goes with it. Actual dealers buy in bulk so they save dough off street value, then selling at street value is actually a profit. These little nicklebag hoodrats are just adding an extra middle man for nothing. It's a waste of time. If you only pick up enough for you and your friends, stop giving me your number.


Active Member
he could be an asshole or hes source might be lackin quality buds
have u taken that into mind ? if thats the case he shouldnt make stingy deals though


New Member
ye lol i hate it when ppl tell me they got some good shit and then its some bs ass regz

like wtf do i look stupid to u? i just wana tell them and go fuck ur self hope u choke on those regz


Active Member
I understand your pain if you are paying 20 a g on anything but headies. You can get an ounce of mids for 70 up here especially during the right season but lately all the dirt bags have been trying to sell me 3.5 for 35 so i just went back to smoking headies. A couple of my boys deal on and off and the thing i notice they start out trying to hook you up but down the line lie like easygrinder said they all get greedy. I wish i knew someone that just had dank shit all the time selling it for 10 a g no matter what.


Well-Known Member
I've seen everything happen that easygrinder mentioned in his first post. I had a steady hook-up for like 4 years straight on some killer headies. Purple kush, AK, juicy fruit, all kinds of fire. Recently he got in some trouble and lost his connects and then went through all the bullshit. At first it was some decent mids which were actually okay, then he tried charging heady prices on some BC seedless old dank that had been foodcolored to look light green...OMG After that I quit answering his calls and found a new connect. After enough socializing I found someone else getting from that same fire connect with all kinds of headies. And the part that pissed me off is now I'm finding out the prices have actually been cheaper all along and I was paying extra to the first guy the whole time. At least it's back to a steady connect. I guess that's why we all need a green thumb.


New Member
I understand your pain if you are paying 20 a g on anything but headies. You can get an ounce of mids for 70 up here especially during the right season but lately all the dirt bags have been trying to sell me 3.5 for 35 so i just went back to smoking headies. A couple of my boys deal on and off and the thing i notice they start out trying to hook you up but down the line lie like easygrinder said they all get greedy. I wish i knew someone that just had dank shit all the time selling it for 10 a g no matter what.
over here its 20 bucks for a .8 maybe ul get a bit more if the dealer aint cheap. 1 once is $380-420 mostly like 400 or 410


Active Member
over here its 20 bucks for a .8 maybe ul get a bit more if the dealer aint cheap. 1 once is $380-420 mostly like 400 or 410
Is that for headies? definitely had to pay 400 a ounce for headies before but i wont pay more then a 100 for and ounce of mids and i definitely wont spend of 200 on green. But it just comes down to what your connects are getting it for. Thats why im trying to grow.


Active Member
If there's anything like an afterlife, all those filthy, rotten scumbags will burn in hell, no matter what the previous posts say! I feel with you, Total Head.