lots of weed and a propane stove with a full tank (visiting mexico atm). i have pots but the stove doesnt work Dx only the stove top can i decarb butter or milk in a pot for like 14 plus hours ?Lol. Absolutely. What u got 2 start with
i could use already vaped weed to hurry up the process thanks any peanut butter recipes you could rec ?So take like a quarter ounce and put it in a glass jar, set the jar in a pot with enough water so the jar will stay on the bottom and not float. Now crack the lid a tiny bit you don't want a explosion. Heat the water till you have fish eye size bubbles on the bottom of the pot. Keep it there for about 45 minutes at that heat. Now what ever you are gonna make, like brownies for instance. Look how much butter or oil you need. Put twice that amount into the jar with the weed. Return to heat for 3 hrs. Watch water level it evaps fast. Next just separate your matter from oil with a filter or strainer, try to press or squeeze out as much as u can....and bake something
im on vacation in mexico atm i could get a oz for like 30 bucks xD im using way more than oz in a edibleIf you have 25% THC in your weed every gram of bud is 25 milligrams THC. So if you put 7 grams at 25% that's 175 milligrams into what your making. Then divide by slices to know your rough dosage per slice
I may be wrong but i feel your math is wrong..If you have 25% THC in your weed every gram of bud is 25 milligrams THC. So if you put 7 grams at 25% that's 175 milligrams into what your making. Then divide by slices to know your rough dosage per slice