

Active Member
Am looking to grow a single plant, or small cluster as a decorative display. 12/12 light with soil.

What is an attractive strain (to the eye) with low displeasing scent and longevity? Yield is not important.


Active Member
It's an illegal plant. Why just grow it for the looks, its ment to be smoked my friend.
A good point.

There is a beauty to this "weed" By displaying it in a good light, as a normal house/office piece the "evil plant" become a friendly plant and that could open minds.

A risk to be sure. But this little plant may save me as it has saved others. It is just not recreation, it is deeper than that.


Well-Known Member
if you growing for looks then just grow a chinese maple tree somewhere in your house. very similar looking plant just a little more purple. if you want a tree in you yard that has leaves that look similar then go for a horse chestnut. they get huge and prefer higher elevations whereas the chinese maple is similar in looks and can be trimmed to look more like a bush. chinese maples can also be grown in large pots.

i have thought of doing something similar but i want to use a large sum of MJ as a type of potpouri on my kitchen counter. i love the scent of well cured MJ.