def while flowering w/pics


Active Member
yes my ph comes out between 6.0 and 6.5...alot of happy frog in there with nice amounts of calcium..ill recheck next time i water which should be in a day or 2


Well-Known Member
If pH is 5 then i would assume too many ferts have built up in the soil, can you get a ppm reading from the runoff as well next time you water too? How are the plants looking now??

Most people who say pH problems dont seem to inderstand the difference between soil and fert buildup, pH is a bit of a myth, the fact that fertilizer buildup lowers the runoff pH dose not equate too the soil becoming acidic and the fact that flushing sorts this out just means that you cleaned the soil from all the built up ferts not changed the soil pH.

Post some new pics dude, lets see how shes going, was a troublesome plant to say the least. Peace


Well-Known Member
They look ok, id say they have done good to make it to this stage and hopefully you have picked up some considerations for the next grow. Peace


Active Member
but they deff look alittle mature for still needing another few weeks right?
and if i get that ph back up to the 6s think i could have some explosive extra calx formation?


Well-Known Member
What makes you think it is a pH problem though, if pH was initially that bad the plant would be very unhealthy by now. This part i dont understand, just add powdered dolomite lime either in the next grow or topdress this one if your worried about pH.


Active Member
the def in them point more towards low ph, got the reading from hydro stoe as well but forgot to ask the ppms and since its organics its alittle hard to measure.they sell me my stuff so it seems like they know more about it then i do


Well-Known Member
You only know they are ready by looking at the trichomes and depending on your taste of buzz you usually harvest when they are 50/50. Just cause a strain is supposed to finish in lets say 8-10 weeks doesnt mean it wont be ready in say 6-8 weeks. All depends on the plant and the conditions it was grown in. The flowering times that different strains have are just a rule of thumb to follow. They look mighty good to me. I would say your pretty on with them being 3 weeks away. You should back off the nutes in a week and let the buds chow on the leaves for the rest of the time for a smooth tasty smoke :) Just my two cents.


Active Member
You only know they are ready by looking at the trichomes and depending on your taste of buzz you usually harvest when they are 50/50. Just cause a strain is supposed to finish in lets say 8-10 weeks doesnt mean it wont be ready in say 6-8 weeks. All depends on the plant and the conditions it was grown in. The flowering times that different strains have are just a rule of thumb to follow. They look mighty good to me. I would say your pretty on with them being 3 weeks away. You should back off the nutes in a week flush em and let the buds chow on the leaves for the rest of the time for a smooth tasty smoke :) Just my two cents.
nutes are already in the soil and right now im just trying to run phed water to up my ph back to the 6s....the problem is that they arent throwing much new pistils out in fact the pistils turned brown alittle over a week ago waiting on the growth which should be around the next week or so...


what do you mean?
I was looking back at your first post, but I see you did have calcium in your mix. I was looking at the nutrient bottle I think you said you used for a foiler spray. The last to items listed are cobalt and iodine. I have never seen that in any nutrient solutions I have used. Are there any particular reasons why it would or should be there?


Active Member
idk ..honestly dont really know...i actually used it twice a few days apart and it brought the ph of the water to like 8.5 but since im flowering i didnt really want to f with it...just figured it wouldhelp the iron or zinc def i have...which is weird cause usually chem nutes drop ph like crazy


Well-Known Member
I was looking back at your first post, but I see you did have calcium in your mix. I was looking at the nutrient bottle I think you said you used for a foiler spray. The last to items listed are cobalt and iodine. I have never seen that in any nutrient solutions I have used. Are there any particular reasons why it would or should be there?
Cobalt and iodine are present in lots of ferts i think but in such small amounts they are not listed, also present in soil to some extent. Seaweed i think is a good source for iodine and cobalt from what i remember.

Nutes should always be acidic or neutral to my knowledge, if it raised the pH then this is strange especially being a chemical fertilizer.

Regardless of the problems dont try to play hit and miss throught the flowering stage as you may create more problems trying to fix things. The buds looked ok for your situation and should at least finish from this point. Adding and subtracting nutrients from the soil unless you are sure they need these alterations can be catastrophic.

Your nutes and soil have got you to this point, are they really that bad or are the problems down to cultural inexperience. I want to see more pics of the whole plant bad or good just to see how much we should be worrying or changing things. Some changes will be best saved for the next grow as some might be best implementing now. Peace


Active Member
well I deff stopped using that after those 2 im far away from that stuff...i actually went out and bought some dried seaweed and am going to try and make a tea out of it.....i also have peppers as the same dirt...and heres the thing...peppers are thriving!


Well-Known Member
well I deff stopped using that after those 2 im far away from that stuff...i actually went out and bought some dried seaweed and am going to try and make a tea out of it.....i also have peppers as the same dirt...and heres the thing...peppers are thriving!
You may consider that peppers have different roots, are more able to deal with drougt, dont need very many nutes, in fact they seem to prefer being underfed to overfed imo and generally slower and smaller plants when growing.

Seaweed is not a complete fertilizer on its own and dried seaweed either needs processing first normally to an extract of the seaweed or a long time in the ground to break down and compost.

Dried seaweed has a typically high salt content and other high nutrient values, great to eat in moderation but needs futher refining for plant use. I think out doors seaweed is applied at the end of one season ready for the next but dont take my word on that except that dried seaweed isnt imo right for an indoor grow. Peace


Active Member
okay so if i use some lime to up my ph, how much and what kind for fastest release...they also sell mother earths ph up crystals...was told it was pretty much baking soda
so for lime lets say a gallon of water.what ratio?