Defficiency problem of some sort


Well-Known Member
My leaves on some plants are starting to get really pale/yellow with brown spots. It started from the bottom and is working its was up some leaves have actually turned brown and fell off. The stems are purple also. Plants are outside and feeding them 1/2 dose stealth hydro nutes(were for hyrdro but had leftover). Ph is somewhate low, below 6.3. Getting pics tommorow and im gonna flush it with ph correct water.

Suggestions? Diagnosis?



Active Member
If you just transplanted, you can expect it to get worse before it gets better. If they were root bound though, you did the right thing. Give it three or four days, and then it should get better. Transplanting is a huge shock to a plant, but unfortunately its necessary. Post more picks in a few days we'll see if it gets better.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure it was rootbound , there were roots coming out of the bottom of the pot and i just pulled it up by the stem and all the soil was compacted together by root. I could just pull it in and out without any soil being left in the pot.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if thats what it is. My plant is in the ground and is starting to get yellow leaves with brown spots. Im not sure whats wrong with her.