are you watering just to water? do you have a moisture meter to check when you need to water? i water my plants every other day & feed every other week, my plants are about 4 feet tall...i still only feed them twice a month..they are doing great! light burn is my only problem i have
check this out>hope it helps
Before we get into this I want you to check a couple things, check the following things:
- Plants have plenty of water
- Soil is seven PH or even a little less
- Your light cycles are correct
- No pools of water
- Constant fresh air
Now thats out of the way let Mr. Ganja God diagnose your plant
Bigger leaves are turning a yellowish color while the smaller leaves are green.
- Nitrogen deficiency - add nitrate of soda or organic fertilizer.
Older leaves will curl at edges, turn dark, possibly with a purple cast.
- Phosphorous deficiency - add commercial phosphate.
Mature leaves develop a yellowish cast to least veinal areas.
- Magnesium deficiency - add commercial fertilizer with a magnesium content.
Mature leaves turn yellow and then become spotted with edge areas
turning dark gray.
- Potassium deficiency - add muriate of potash.
Cracked stems, no healthy support tissue.
- Boron deficiency -add any plant food containing boron.
Small wrinkled leaves with yellowish vein systems.
- Zinc deficiency - add commercial plant food containing zinc.
Young leaves become deformed, possibly yellowing.
- Molybedum deficiency - use any plant food with a bit of molybdenum in it.
Watering just to water? lol.... I hope not!

I stick my finger into the dirt a couple of inches to see how dry things are getting and I water when I can go a few inches down and still feel no moisture, I'm trying to use the gardeners methods not the bottles, as I've seen it put here before. Using this method had me watering every 3-4 days when the plant was smaller and since she took off and is now flowering, I'm seeing the dirt start to dry out every 2-3 days, she recently went 4 (about two weeks ago) and I could see slight visual signs of dehydration, so I know I'm not over watering much if at all...
As for the bullets:
water seems to be good
PH is good
Light cycle is correct
no pooling water
and fresh air is constantly cycled through my grow room.
You cut and pasted from the sticky on the problems page, I've been using that and here's what I've learned:
Signs appear to maybe be a Magnesium def, but as it turns out to much P can result in a Magnesium lockout, I just started using Beastie Blooms, the FF supplement, and was wondering if that has locked out my Magnesium? Could that be the case? I will be flushing soon so I can have a clean start. This is bad so far because I can't find out definitively whether I am over feeding, underfeeding, have lockout, or a deficiency.... crap, I wish I could just ask the plant that the f*ck it wants!
Thanks for all the posts today, all of your input is appreciated and valued!