Delicious Fruity Chronic Juice Grow Journal 12/12


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm starting a grow diary on here for my FCJ, I'll be posting regular updates/pics of the grow untill harvest. I'll be using 2 x 125w Dual -Spec CFL's for the whole grow, I can only have the light on 16/8 for veg Fruity Chronic Juice 12 12 (6).jpgFruity Chronic Juice 12 12 (5).jpgFruity Chronic Juice 12 12 (7).jpgFruity Chronic Juice 12 12 (4).jpgFruity Chronic Juice 12 12 (3).jpgFruity Chronic Juice 12 12 (2).jpgFruity Chronic Juice 12 12 (1).jpg


Active Member
It sprouted a day or two ago and i picked off the shell causing one of the cotyledon leaves to come off :( hopefully it wil pull through2012-10-17 10.25.18.jpg


Active Member
Any updates?
Well i planted the seed after uploading them pics, but it still hasn't sprouted, i looked under the soil and the taproot looks like it dried out from the light and me not covering it enough :/ I just covered it up and made it nice an moist hopefully it will pull through