Democrats and Republicans Are Quietly Planning a Corporate Giveaway — to the Tune of $400 Billion


Well-Known Member
Why would both, establishment Republicans and establishment Democrats in our government support this?

What do establishment Republicans and establishment Democrats have in common?

This is the 2008 and 2012 election cycle political campaign donations for each candidate;

Ask yourself why an entire industry would donate money to both Democrats and Republicans during a presidential cycle? Do you think a couple hundred million in legal bribes is anything to them compared to the $400 billion return on investment they'll get through this corporate tax forgiveness deal?

If they don't pay their taxes, that means we all pick up their slack, and both of our major political parties are on the side of corporations and against the American people

This is why you vote for Trump,...he isn`t one of them. How thick is your skull ? Right now the goons are prepping Cruz, they don`t want what you posted to sink. Donald sinks that ship as soon as elected, never lifting a finger, just being there.


Well-Known Member
Why would both, establishment Republicans and establishment Democrats in our government support this?

What do establishment Republicans and establishment Democrats have in common?

This is the 2008 and 2012 election cycle political campaign donations for each candidate;

Ask yourself why an entire industry would donate money to both Democrats and Republicans during a presidential cycle? Do you think a couple hundred million in legal bribes is anything to them compared to the $400 billion return on investment they'll get through this corporate tax forgiveness deal?

If they don't pay their taxes, that means we all pick up their slack, and both of our major political parties are on the side of corporations and against the American people
Hey Padwan. Why do you think I have been endlessly telling you that the sides are not different. They have you fighting with the other 'side' and wasting all your energy and anger rather than realizing the entire political system is the problem and not one side or the other.


Well-Known Member
Hey Padwan. Why do you think I have been endlessly telling you that the sides are not different. They have you fighting with the other 'side' and wasting all your energy and anger rather than realizing the entire political system is the problem and not one side or the other.
With all the BS going on in our nation China is making bank.
It only makes sense to abandon the American Dream and jump on the anti-Eco, anti-union, anti-worker, anti-religion train.

Any other country would be boycotted.

I pledge allegiance to the profits, of the corporations of the world, and to the 1% for which they stand, one wage, under oppression for all.


Well-Known Member
good job. his only choice now is to provide a graph that still disproves his own retarded fox news gospel.

No, nice try is more like it. When everything you buy is imported, your Countries inflation rate , up or down, don`t matter.

If we were like we used to be,...Made in America,...he would have a huge point.


Well-Known Member
then why are you having such a hard time posting a graph or chart showing how it compounds?


i know why you refuse to post it.
I don't refuse to post it. I refuse to look for it.

Padawanbater2 is a nice guy and I think he is genuine, which I can't say for you.

But he doesn't appear to be keen on his own thoughts. He almost always copies and pasts his posts from the opinion of someone else. I'm not sure if he is attempting to argue from authority or has just given up having his own opinions.


Well-Known Member
I don't refuse to post it. I refuse to look for it.

Padawanbater2 is a nice guy and I think he is genuine, which I can't say for you.

But he doesn't appear to be keen on his own thoughts. He almost always copies and pasts his posts from the opinion of someone else. I'm not sure if he is attempting to argue from authority or has just given up having his own opinions.
You refuse to post it because it doesn't exist because your argument is complete and total garbage

This is a discussion about facts, not opinions

Don't come back with more opinions


Well-Known Member
You refuse to post it because it doesn't exist because your argument is complete and total garbage

This is a discussion about facts, not opinions

Don't come back with more opinions
This isn't an opinion...

Inflation carries over from year to year. It doesn't happen this year and go away.

10% inflation takes 100 dollars to a value of 90. Next year when there is 10% inflation you don't start back at 100 dollars value again. Your new base is 90, even though it's a 100 dollar bill.

I grant this is tough to grasp... let's use interest.

Money is in a bank. You got 100 bucks principal at 10%. After 1 year you have 110. The next year, interest is calculated off of 110, not your principal of 100.

That's the point of inflation except it works exact opposite. It's even more difficult becuase you still have that 100 bill, it's just got a value of 90 compared to the year before.

You not understanding this shows you're either too dumb to understand the whole concept or too dishonest to admit the weakness of your own opinion.


Well-Known Member
This isn't an opinion...

Inflation carries over from year to year. It doesn't happen this year and go away.

10% inflation takes 100 dollars to a value of 90. Next year when there is 10% inflation you don't start back at 100 dollars value again. Your new base is 90, even though it's a 100 dollar bill.

I grant this is tough to grasp... let's use interest.

Money is in a bank. You got 100 bucks principal at 10%. After 1 year you have 110. The next year, interest is calculated off of 110, not your principal of 100.

That's the point of inflation except it works exact opposite. It's even more difficult becuase you still have that 100 bill, it's just got a value of 90 compared to the year before.

You not understanding this shows you're either too dumb to understand the whole concept or too dishonest to admit the weakness of your own opinion.
so if his position is so weak,then why not demonstrate it with a graph that shows how interest compounds?

we all get how interest and inflation work. so show us how stupid we are now.

or don't and prove it about yourself instead.


Well-Known Member
This isn't an opinion...

Inflation carries over from year to year. It doesn't happen this year and go away.

10% inflation takes 100 dollars to a value of 90. Next year when there is 10% inflation you don't start back at 100 dollars value again. Your new base is 90, even though it's a 100 dollar bill.

I grant this is tough to grasp... let's use interest.

Money is in a bank. You got 100 bucks principal at 10%. After 1 year you have 110. The next year, interest is calculated off of 110, not your principal of 100.

That's the point of inflation except it works exact opposite. It's even more difficult becuase you still have that 100 bill, it's just got a value of 90 compared to the year before.

You not understanding this shows you're either too dumb to understand the whole concept or too dishonest to admit the weakness of your own opinion.
Then post a graph showing the compounding interest rates

You could end my side of the argument in one fell swoop if you did that, so why don't you do it?

Your claim is that the interest rate is responsible for rising prices, even as we decrease the tax burden on corporations, so show me the evidence that shows this. Do you think this is an unreasonable request?


Well-Known Member
With all the BS going on in our nation China is making bank.
It only makes sense to abandon the American Dream and jump on the anti-Eco, anti-union, anti-worker, anti-religion train.

Any other country would be boycotted.

I pledge allegiance to the profits, of the corporations of the world, and to the 1% for which they stand, one wage, under oppression for all.
Closest thing to one wage is Hillary Clinton's Equal pay bullshit....


Well-Known Member
"If we raise corporate tax rates, prices will rise!"

But when we lower corporate tax rates... prices still rise

Interesting, so then it would seem, according to the data, that regardless of what we do to the corporate tax rates, prices of goods and services still rise

Since you guys are the ones making this claim, point to an example in US history that shows the correlation between low taxes/low prices and high taxes/high prices

It's the same thing; Corporate tax revenue is what's collected by the government, if it's lower, corporations are paying a lower tax rate

Either you're stupid or dishonest or both. Corporations get the money they pay in taxes from us, the consumer. Corporate taxes are regressive taxes on consumers. Your little commie brain just can't accept that fact, can it?


Well-Known Member

There's the rate of inflation. The single biggest spike is mid 70s-early 80s since the 1950s.

If inflation is the cause of rising prices while we simultaneously decrease corporate tax rates, why does the CPI continue to rise as inflation falls?;

The rate of inflation may slow, but thankfully it isn't reversing. Inflation truly falling would be deflation. Then you would have a depression. 1920-1940.. Great Depression