Democrats to bureaucratize sex in California

Problem Solved.

A South African doctor has created a female condom that puts teeth in the fight against rape.

The anti-rape condom, called "Rape-aXe," features rows of jagged hooks designed to attach to a man's penis during penetration. Once attached, the condom can only be removed by a doctor - hopefully when authorities can arrest him, Dr. Sonnet Ehlers, the condom's designer, told CNN.

"It hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it's on," she said. "If he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter... however, it doesn't break the skin, and there's no danger of fluid exposure."


That seems very ineffective for a few reasons;

1) what rapist is going in further after feeling hard plastic?
2) what is preventing this device from sliding out of the victims vagina? Seems like it would grip the suspects penis and slide right out on the back-pull
3) what then is going to catch the guy? Unless these things are equipped with GPS trackers, the dude can likely get something like the pythons bite off his junk in an hour or two with power tools (absolutely insane, but a criminal's ability to avoid the law usually knows no bounds when faced with consequences)

Rapist Kynesey is probably going to come back with some reason why I'm a rapist because he's a dumbass, but also because he can never actually refute anything I say, so be prepared for that..

Anyone with 1/4 a brain can pretty clearly determine for themselves reading this, and other, posts where I personally stand on rape

I'd say we need more education and more acceptance of preventative measures to lower the rate of rape. As far as I know, India is experiencing somewhat of a 'rape crisis', maybe we should focus on why it's so prevalent there instead of how rare it is here..

That seems very ineffective for a few reasons;

1) what rapist is going in further after feeling hard plastic?
2) what is preventing this device from sliding out of the victims vagina? Seems like it would grip the suspects penis and slide right out on the back-pull
3) what then is going to catch the guy? Unless these things are equipped with GPS trackers, the dude can likely get something like the pythons bite off his junk in an hour or two with power tools (absolutely insane, but a criminal's ability to avoid the law usually knows no bounds when faced with consequences)

Rapist Kynesey is probably going to come back with some reason why I'm a rapist because he's a dumbass, but also because he can never actually refute anything I say, so be prepared for that..

Anyone with 1/4 a brain can pretty clearly determine for themselves reading this, and other, posts where I personally stand on rape

I'd say we need more education and more acceptance of preventative measures to lower the rate of rape. As far as I know, India is experiencing somewhat of a 'rape crisis', maybe we should focus on why it's so prevalent there instead of how rare it is here..

1) Have a look at the photos at their website those jagged hooks will catch your junk.

2) it's meant to slide out of the vagina and stay attached to the penis.

From my understanding it is more of a preventative device, the designer hopes will make a potential rapist think twice.

As for India, well they're backwards and are still hunting "witches" in the hillsides the fuckin idiots...
In places where superstition and vigilantism overlap and small rumors can turn deadly, nearly 2,100 people accused of witchcraft have been killed between 2000 and 2012, according to crime records gathered by the Indian newspaper Mint. Others placed the number at 2,500; others higher still. “Like the proverbial tip of a very deep iceberg, available data hides much of the reality of a problem that is deeply ingrained in society,” according to New Delhi-based Partners for Law in Development. “It is only the most gruesome cases that are reported — most cases of witch-hunting go unreported and unrecorded.”
That seems very ineffective for a few reasons;

1) what rapist is going in further after feeling hard plastic?
2) what is preventing this device from sliding out of the victims vagina? Seems like it would grip the suspects penis and slide right out on the back-pull
3) what then is going to catch the guy? Unless these things are equipped with GPS trackers, the dude can likely get something like the pythons bite off his junk in an hour or two with power tools (absolutely insane, but a criminal's ability to avoid the law usually knows no bounds when faced with consequences)

Rapist Kynesey is probably going to come back with some reason why I'm a rapist because he's a dumbass, but also because he can never actually refute anything I say, so be prepared for that..

Anyone with 1/4 a brain can pretty clearly determine for themselves reading this, and other, posts where I personally stand on rape

I'd say we need more education and more acceptance of preventative measures to lower the rate of rape. As far as I know, India is experiencing somewhat of a 'rape crisis', maybe we should focus on why it's so prevalent there instead of how rare it is here..
Oh we're all WELL aware of where you stand on rape...

Back about 15 feet with your pants around your ankles rubbing the stomach off yourself.
So this one story is suppose to excuse all rapist ? Because your friend was falsely accuse you feel no one can be raped ? WTF are you saying here

My point is that rape is to be taken seriously. Contrary to the thinking on your side, rape is not an infraction, it is a very serious crime. Simply being accused of rape is not guilt of rape. This guy, an acquaintance, not a friend, had his life utterly destroyed by a false rape accusation.

I have no idea why you are implying that I want to excuse all rapists. Arguing that an accused person should be presumed innocent and should receive due process strikes me as completely reasonable, but I am not a prog demanding men be sacrificed for their political aspirations.

LF, you should be on my side of this. A melanin enhanced person, such as yourself is traditionally more likely to be on the receiving end of our justice system. You might find the presumption of innocence and the right to due process handy at some point.

<edit> I wish to point out that I took the high road in my response to you and did not correct your pluralization error.
That seems very ineffective for a few reasons;

1) what rapist is going in further after feeling hard plastic?
2) what is preventing this device from sliding out of the victims vagina? Seems like it would grip the suspects penis and slide right out on the back-pull
3) what then is going to catch the guy? Unless these things are equipped with GPS trackers, the dude can likely get something like the pythons bite off his junk in an hour or two with power tools (absolutely insane, but a criminal's ability to avoid the law usually knows no bounds when faced with consequences)

Rapist Kynesey is probably going to come back with some reason why I'm a rapist because he's a dumbass, but also because he can never actually refute anything I say, so be prepared for that..

Anyone with 1/4 a brain can pretty clearly determine for themselves reading this, and other, posts where I personally stand on rape

I'd say we need more education and more acceptance of preventative measures to lower the rate of rape. As far as I know, India is experiencing somewhat of a 'rape crisis', maybe we should focus on why it's so prevalent there instead of how rare it is here..

Thanks for offering your expert opinion about rrrrrape! We all defer to your experience and deep thinking on the subject.
You are comparing someone raping another to you having to fix me a sandwich in which I would pay you for. How lame

Not really. I am saying that a person owns their own body and that making people do things by threatening force against them, is present in both rape and in making a person fix you sandwich (using their body) if they have no inclination to associate with you.

You think it is okay at least sometimes to threaten force against a person EVEN IF that person is leaving you alone and simply doesn't want to associate with you.

This is undeniable, you advocate forcing people, that are willing to leave you alone, to use their body, using the same method as a rapist...force. Have a nice day....Ted Bundy.
Not really. I am saying that a person owns their own body and that making people do things by threatening force against them, is present in both rape and in making a person fix you sandwich (using their body) if they have no inclination to associate with you.

You think it is okay at least sometimes to threaten force against a person EVEN IF that person is leaving you alone and simply doesn't want to associate with you.

This is undeniable, you advocate forcing people, that are willing to leave you alone, to use their body, using the same method as a rapist...force. Have a nice day....Ted Bundy.
i think pada is more the John Wayne Gacey type.

or maybe Dahmer...
Here's this for rape sensitivity.

Planned parenthood office in Arizona.

14 year old girl and her mother go there because they're concerned because the young girl had been raped.

Instead of merely neglecting their duty to report the rape to the authorities, the well known staunchly conservative group planned parenthood advised the girl not to do so, because it isn't worth the hassle.

Just watched it on O'Reilly.
Not really. I am saying that a person owns their own body and that making people do things by threatening force against them, is present in both rape and in making a person fix you sandwich (using their body) if they have no inclination to associate with you.

You think it is okay at least sometimes to threaten force against a person EVEN IF that person is leaving you alone and simply doesn't want to associate with you.

This is undeniable, you advocate forcing people, that are willing to leave you alone, to use their body, using the same method as a rapist...force. Have a nice day....Ted Bundy.
you get paid to make me a delicious sandwich. No one pays to get raped
you get paid to make me a delicious sandwich. No one pays to get raped

he is totally not racist and would totally serve you a sandwich.

he also has no inclination to associate with you, has to be forced and coerced under threat of force to make a sandwich for you, and is enslaved and raped by the act of having to make a sandwich for you.

makes sense, right?
Here's this for rape sensitivity.

Planned parenthood office in Arizona.

14 year old girl and her mother go there because they're concerned because the young girl had been raped.

Instead of merely neglecting their duty to report the rape to the authorities, the well known staunchly conservative group planned parenthood advised the girl not to do so, because it isn't worth the hassle.

Just watched it on O'Reilly.
there is probably a shitload more involved than your vague assertions imply

perhaps the "victim" had been dating her "rapist" for several years, and they had been found In- Coitus on more than one occasion, and the rape allegation sounds more like petty revenge over a breakup than sexual assault.

perhaps the "victim" was a well known prostitute, and the rape allegations are based on the john not paying the bill (dong and dash)

perhaps the "victim" and the "mother" make unsubstantiated rape allegations all the fucking time, then drop the case when they get a payoff. (see The Fatty Arbuckle Case)

perhaps the fact that the "victim" went to PLANNED PARENTHOOD rather than the cops roused suspicions.

perhaps the allegation is really just more bullshit from oreilly as he seeks to flog the dead horse of his agenda.
he is totally not racist and would totally serve you a sandwich.

he also has no inclination to associate with you, has to be forced and coerced under threat of force to make a sandwich for you, and is enslaved and raped by the act of having to make a sandwich for you.

makes sense, right?
I'm raping the fuck out of him when I ask for wheat bread