DenseBud's 400-watt HGS Avalanche w/ FoxFarm Nutes & Soil Grow


Well-Known Member
Whew! Very close....Keep us updated, let us know how they do, if they're still thriving.


Active Member
Quick update. I watered w/ nutes tonight. Everything is looking good, but it was too long in between watering. One on the left was pretty limp on the lower 3rd. Recovered nicely.

Tallest plant is 37". Buds are starting to form.




Well-Known Member
Yea thats one thing about hydro, ya gotta have the shit plugged in.

Those girls look like they are plugged in alright. You are using FF Ocean Forest right?

Well it looks like I am gonna get a couple ideas from you here.
That daisy cloner is the simplest solution for cloning and I like your web cam in the cab idea. I suppose it could be set up to do time lapse photography. I always wanted to try that.


Active Member
Yea thats one thing about hydro, ya gotta have the shit plugged in.

Those girls look like they are plugged in alright. You are using FF Ocean Forest right?
I don't trust myself with hydro yet. Maybe once I get a solid grow or two under my belt and have some room for error.

It is FFOF. It's a pretty good mix. I don't usually use any nutes in veg even.

Well it looks like I am gonna get a couple ideas from you here.
That daisy cloner is the simplest solution for cloning and I like your web cam in the cab idea. I suppose it could be set up to do time lapse photography. I always wanted to try that.

Thx. The Daisy Cloner is pretty nice if you only need 8 clones and you can keep the temps in line. For where I live, I have a tough time keeping the room below 80F (door closed) w/o running a portable room A/C year round. Though it is cold outside right now, so I'm building a vent for the window which I could hook up an intake fan. Hopefully that will solve the non-Summer months.

I'm upgrading to a 25 cutting, 18-gallon (or perhaps a 10 gallon, but I don't know if it's deep enough). Hopefully the combination of the bigger res and moving to a 1min On, 4min Off cycle for the pump will get the temps in line. If not, the res will be big enough to run a small chiller.

The web cam is pretty cool, though I think it would be far cooler if I used a higher-resolution one that moved/zoomed. Like right now, I could use it to check to see if the plants are burning yet, but since it's fixed I can't see quite right unless I go move it which is a slight pain in the ass.


Active Member
So if memory serves, I'm moving into week three of flower. You'll notice that there are two additional plants in the cab currently. They are the last females from my "I have no self control and must smoke weed whenever possible so I'm actually growing plants to cut down early while I wait for my real grow to finish" flowering tent.

They are HGS Super Mix ([FONT=verdana,geneva,arial]Black Pearl, Super Bud, Monster Bud, Cluster Bomb, Brainwreck, Avalanche, Purple Cindy or Purple Diesel, not individually marked)[/FONT] and are on the far left and right. You may notice that the one on the right has no fan leaves... I smoked those tonight. I'm such a crack head :). I imagine we'll roll through those 2 in the next week or two. By then, the Super Bud I have in the veg tent will hopefully be ready to move to the flower tent.

The other thing to note is the proximity of the two taller Avalanche to the light. It's maybe 2" away at this point and I've decided I need to use my emergency height that's consumed by the watering shelf. I'll be removing that tomorrow. That'll give another 8" and hopefully will be enough. Those fuckers are 41" now. :o

Top Left:

Top Right:

Group Shot:



Well-Known Member
They are the last females from my "I have no self control and must smoke weed whenever possible so I'm actually growing plants to cut down early while I wait for my real grow to finish" flowering tent.
lmao too funny! They look good though!:lol:


Active Member
I took out my watering shelf tonight. It gives me 8 more inches of height. I hope these stop growing in the next week or so and less than 8 more inches. Tallest cola is @ 42" from the dirt. Also did a watering w/ nutes.

They're starting to fill in and crystals are forming everywhere. Sticky and stinky too.

Cabinet change:

Cola close-ups:




Well-Known Member
Its a good thing you had the 8 inches man, I would think they will settle down some and fatten up now. Doe grew in soil and finished about where you are now. One was 48" I think, but she topped. Now you have the spread of light maybe its time to think LST. Bend them and tie them.


Active Member
Ya, not sure just yet what I'm going to do. I do think I could bend them relatively far over due to how tall they are. Really hope they get fatter, not taller. We'll see!


Well-Known Member
Yep you may end up having to tie them, I forget without looking what week flower you're in, but if you've made it past the two week mark, three is even better, then they shouldn't get too much taller.


Active Member
Yep you may end up having to tie them, I forget without looking what week flower you're in, but if you've made it past the two week mark, three is even better, then they shouldn't get too much taller.
Ya, I'm pushing into week 4. In my experienxe, vertical growth stops after the first month. That would be nice.


Active Member
First day of week four flower today. Gave good ph'd watering. It's tricky moving the plants out for watering, I definitely won't go this big again.

I moved the 400watt up to it's highest possible point. Tallest plant is now 46", up 4" in like 3 days (around 56" incl the pot). I have a bit more room yet, but not a whole lot. Really crossing my fingers that it slows down soon.

Snapshots are some flower porn, group shots, my watering stuff and seedlings/clone for next grow.




Well-Known Member
Everything's looking good, wow I can't believe how much taller they are still growing! You might have to do some LST.