Densing an Harding buds


Well-Known Member
Its mostly genetics. Ive seen shitty rooms with less than skilled lazy growers still grow dense thicker buds because of the genetics. Not as dense as they could of been but.....still thick. Ive seen loose airy sativaish buds grown in perfect rooms with real green thumb pros.....loose airy but highly potent buds and lots of them. Its genetics....95% genetics.


Active Member
I put in soo much time with a plant trying to keep everything perfect so it would end up with nice dense bud before a dry and cure. Buds were kinda airy for what I was shooten but just caked in resin super smooth smoke even before cure. But at the end of the day I still pulled the max the plant culd offer for the space filled. Not super dense just a jungle of premo buds. (tho I do like super dense buds, I'm not crying if its not as long as its top shelf and I get in my ball park for the space i use I'm happy anything past it is plus


Well-Known Member
"Dense" buds doesnt really mean much to me personally. Some of the worst looking weed ive ever grown or smoked knocked me on my frikin ass.


Active Member
"Dense" buds doesnt really mean much to me personally. Some of the worst looking weed ive ever grown or smoked knocked me on my frikin ass.
I can say that have definitely had some questionable looking tree that I wish I could get again. I'm just saying it something I shoot for but just to make use of my space and not at the sacrifice of quality. I'm not saying cuz its dense its top shelf at all but i will say when i do get something super top notch its not unusual to find it "dense" as hell. (that my experience not saying one way points out better quality or not)