Denver ~ Colorado

Try driving in Chicago I hate those drivers... I don't like driving myself much... I'd rather just ride my bicycle because its cleaner for the environment but can you imaging the ride from st. Louis Mo to San Luis Co?
What's funny is that st. Louis is French, San Luis is Spanish and they both mean saint Lewis. I find it ironic I move from on saint lewis to another
Try driving in Chicago I hate those drivers... I don't like driving myself much... I'd rather just ride my bicycle because its cleaner for the environment but can you imaging the ride from st. Louis Mo to San Luis Co?
What's funny is that st. Louis is French, San Luis is Spanish and they both mean saint Lewis. I find it ironic I move from on saint lewis to another
I can only imagine I fucking hate Boston traffic. But I love driving where I'm at except for the 45 minute drive just for Walmart!! And longer if you want to be hoyty toyty and not shop at Walmart. Lol, but Amazon and eBay are my friends.:bigjoint:
Colorado is where it's at right now, I love it here. Ready to get out of the Springs though, I feel like this city is a little bit backwards compared to the rest of the state. I've only been here 4 years so maybe I'm ignorant, but what's with all the hate for Pueblo? I've got multiple friends living down there that seem to like it, not to mention real estate is cheap as hell.....
Colorado is where it's at right now, I love it here. Ready to get out of the Springs though, I feel like this city is a little bit backwards compared to the rest of the state. I've only been here 4 years so maybe I'm ignorant, but what's with all the hate for Pueblo? I've got multiple friends living down there that seem to like it, not to mention real estate is cheap as hell.....
That sort of thing go's on in every state. Rivalries.
True, I've just heard it from a couple friends who lived here longer too but never asked why. Only been down there a handful of times but was randomly looking at prices for land around there and it's cheap. Want to get some and start a farm
Now you're talkin'. I was thinking of buying some land and starting up in CO.
Hit me up you got my number now, I'm going out in a couple weeks to scout. Maybe I can figure something that works for both of us when you'd be ready, I have a couple good ideas in mind on how to make sure there's enough to go around, I'm hoping its a solid plan but yeah. I already have one acre
Wouldn't be too hard to become neighbors seeing as how there's maybe 4 people in 5 square miles
Colorado is where it's at right now, I love it here. Ready to get out of the Springs though, I feel like this city is a little bit backwards compared to the rest of the state. I've only been here 4 years so maybe I'm ignorant, but what's with all the hate for Pueblo? I've got multiple friends living down there that seem to like it, not to mention real estate is cheap as hell.....

It feels like 20 degrees hotter in the summer....pueblo west maybe nicer

Pueblo is miserable. ...I love woodland park...or black forest area
It feels like 20 degrees hotter in the summer....pueblo west maybe nicer

Pueblo is miserable. ...I love woodland park...or black forest area
Yea I've definitely heard it's a more desert climate down there, idk if I can go back to a hot summer, but Pueblo west seems to be where most of the cheap land is coming from so maybe I'll look closer in to the west side if you say it may be nicer. Do you know if there is any other place that would be comparable to Pueblo in land prices and availability in CO or no?

Woodland park or black forest would be tits though for sure. I think I looked very briefly at land in black forest, averaged about 50,000 an acre I believe. Crazy money....
Now you're talkin'. I was thinking of buying some land and starting up in CO.
Yea, I don't know of any other areas with cheap land other than Pueblo right now, trying to do some research, but it's a great place to move to, you'd love it here. So many opportunities. I've been looking in to growing industrial hemp, I find it fascinating, would convert some of the land in to producing that along with my food/veggies. It's awesome to live in state where I have that choice though
Costilla county Colorado. I don't live there yet but I'm working on it. I think I'll have to have a temporary job for a few months, either fast food Or something similar, just to work maybe 2 days a week. I was thinking I can take 5.000 and pay a landlord 6 months rent up front. My problem with getting an apartment even if for less then a year is that I have a 1 year old pit bull and I don't know if Coloradoans hate on pit bulls like they do in the st Louis area...
I've been looking on for listings you can just search Colorado and sort by lowest price. My one acre was 1400. If I had seen the ad for 5 acres for 2400 I would have 5 acres right now. Maybe @DaSprout could jump on that 5 acres and we could be neighbors, hey neighbor you wanna trim some of my weed? I'll trade the trimmings for some of your shrooms!
Yea I've been on landwatch for a couple weeks now just pricing out land in different areas. Ah, never heard of Costilla but I just looked it up and I see what you're saying. Farther south and more out in the boonies, looks like land is fairly cheap there. I bet the growing season is good there too. Are you going to be growing herb on the land for personal use or something bigger? I like hearing about other peoples plans, mine is still evolving as I go. Unfortunately I have to stay closer to Pueblo as that's where the mrs. would be working and she makes the real money so I can do all these things lol. But yea, 5 acres for 2400 is ridiculous. Didn't see that specific add but that's a killer deal.
Right now I'm looking at this 40.51 acres for 40,000 in Pueblo west though.....although that'd be too much land for what I want to do, I only want to start with 2-4 acres, it's an awesome deal