Depression relief


Active Member
Here in England uk we cant get medical Mj
So that is why i am growing my own. Plus i just cant find any green in my area.

The fuzz have raided many and the south is drying up. So i decided to grow my own.

I have been diagnosed with clinical depression & anxiety but i believe i have Bipolar not clinical depression.

I have spent a good 3 years going back and forth from one place to another trying to get help. Even been to docs and that didnt work out. They gave me Valium and offered me prozac.

I am against being pumped full of meds because i believe its unnatural
I remember back to a time i used to smoke put i never smoked it for long and when i did it was one spiff here and there.

Then when i got to a bad time in my life i went too my friends he gave me green and it helped me feel better.

I have brought a book on medical marijuana and in there it claims that marijuana can help depression and anxiety. Iv also heard that some types of Mj are better for depression then others.

My questions are the following:
Can marijuana help with depression & anxiety and what types of marijuana would be better too treat depression?


Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Definitely stay off the pharmies.

Really man, ganj isn't going to cure your depression. It might treat the symptoms, that's it.

Depression, imo, is a symptom of something being fucked up in your life. Try and change whatever it is that is making you unhappy.

Also, imo, exercise is the best way to fight depression. Nothing works better. Sucks that you've got shit weather, probably don't want to exercise outside much, maybe join a gym. Gray and dreary most of the time would make me depressed too, hah.

Also, depression is rooted in self pity. Accepting this is the fastest way to recovery.


Active Member
Definitely stay off the pharmies.

Really man, ganj isn't going to cure your depression. It might treat the symptoms, that's it.

Depression, imo, is a symptom of something being fucked up in your life. Try and change whatever it is that is making you unhappy.

Also, imo, exercise is the best way to fight depression. Nothing works better. Sucks that you've got shit weather, probably don't want to exercise outside much, maybe join a gym. Gray and dreary most of the time would make me depressed too, hah.

Also, depression is rooted in self pity. Accepting this is the fastest way to recovery.
Depression can be cured but if its bipolar it cant apparently your stuck with it for life.
there is nothing bad in my life.

my moods can change at any time from high to low and back again this can happen many times each day and when they hit they hit hard and it feels like there is no hope left.

I just looking for something to deal with the symptoms. not a cure coz i gave up on that years ago.

:eyesmoke:In my ideal world i would eat sleep and breath marijuana if its what helps me i would grow tons of it so i would never be short and maybe it would help me sleep too.


Well-Known Member
Indica if you need your brain to shut up, and Sativa followed by exercise if you need a pick me up that will last longer then the buzz :)


Well-Known Member
Here in England uk we cant get medical Mj
So that is why i am growing my own. Plus i just cant find any green in my area.

The fuzz have raided many and the south is drying up. So i decided to grow my own.

I have been diagnosed with clinical depression & anxiety but i believe i have Bipolar not clinical depression.

I have spent a good 3 years going back and forth from one place to another trying to get help. Even been to docs and that didnt work out. They gave me Valium and offered me prozac.

I am against being pumped full of meds because i believe its unnatural
I remember back to a time i used to smoke put i never smoked it for long and when i did it was one spiff here and there.

Then when i got to a bad time in my life i went too my friends he gave me green and it helped me feel better.

I have brought a book on medical marijuana and in there it claims that marijuana can help depression and anxiety. Iv also heard that some types of Mj are better for depression then others.

My questions are the following:
Can marijuana help with depression & anxiety and what types of marijuana would be better too treat depression?

I've been thinking about this too. I have depression/ anxiety, and I take wellbutrin (I have a thread re in here too) and I have found that weed seems to help even better than the wellbutrin. Also, the other day I had a pretty bad crash with withdrawal symptoms from missing wellbutrin for two days. Smoking completely removed my symptoms, which were pretty bad.

I say good luck finding your strain that works the best for your brain, and good luck and have fun growing and smoking it mate!

Depression, imo, is a symptom of something being fucked up in your life. Try and change whatever it is that is making you unhappy.

Also, imo, exercise is the best way to fight depression. Nothing works better. Sucks that you've got shit weather, probably don't want to exercise outside much, maybe join a gym. Gray and dreary most of the time would make me depressed too, hah.

Also, depression is rooted in self pity. Accepting this is the fastest way to recovery.
Although I agree that it is possible that someone may have depression or something of the sort due to shit being fucked up in their lives, I don't think it's always the case, as you seem to be suggesting. I also agree that it is always a good idea to look at your life and change things that may be affecting you adversely.

I also agree with exercise as a great way to boost endorphin levels and treat depression symptoms, much like you say weed treats the symptoms.

What I disagree with you on is your conclusive statement that "depression is rooted in self pity," and that "Accepting this is the fastest way to recovery.

I think you are misinformed.

Depression, although as I said I agree can be caused by things in life, it is also very common that the source of the symptoms is in fact a chemical difference in the brain. Another good example is bi-polar disorder. Do you think that's caused by some fucked up shit in your life too?

On that point, I wonder if maybe you're also wrong about weed only treating symptoms, although I'm only speculating. Smoking also effects your brain's chemical levels, maybe even in a comperable way to some anti-depressants might? I dunno, like I said - basically just thinking right onto my keyboard on that last thing.

Anyway, cheers!


Smiley D

Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about this too. I have depression/ anxiety, and I take wellbutrin (I have a thread re in here too) and I have found that weed seems to help even better than the wellbutrin. Also, the other day I had a pretty bad crash with withdrawal symptoms from missing wellbutrin for two days. Smoking completely removed my symptoms, which were pretty bad.

I say good luck finding your strain that works the best for your brain, and good luck and have fun growing and smoking it mate!

Although I agree that it is possible that someone may have depression or something of the sort due to shit being fucked up in their lives, I don't think it's always the case, as you seem to be suggesting. I also agree that it is always a good idea to look at your life and change things that may be affecting you adversely.

I also agree with exercise as a great way to boost endorphin levels and treat depression symptoms, much like you say weed treats the symptoms.

What I disagree with you on is your conclusive statement that "depression is rooted in self pity," and that "Accepting this is the fastest way to recovery.

I think you are misinformed.

Depression, although as I said I agree can be caused by things in life, it is also very common that the source of the symptoms is in fact a chemical difference in the brain. Another good example is bi-polar disorder. Do you think that's caused by some fucked up shit in your life too?

On that point, I wonder if maybe you're also wrong about weed only treating symptoms, although I'm only speculating. Smoking also effects your brain's chemical levels, maybe even in a comperable way to some anti-depressants might? I dunno, like I said - basically just thinking right onto my keyboard on that last thing.

Anyway, cheers!

True, there are people out there that have real chemical imbalances and need medication to live with their condition. These people are the extreme minority though. Most people that think their so called depression is a real medical condition are fooling themselves. Everybody's brain chemistry is different, there is no normal.

It's strange how in just the last couple decades that everyone seems to think that it's acceptable to be dependent upon a psychoactive drug in order to be "normal". All these thousands of years humans have been doing fine just living their lives naturally, and I find it no strange thing that the downfall of humanity we are experiencing now has coincided with the emergence of the aforementioned drug needy attitude.

This is coming from someone that spent a good deal of his childhood and teen years tweaked out on various pharmaceuticals, wellbutrin included. For some reason those doctors thought that just being my natural self was deficient or wrong in some way. Telling my parents, psychologists, psychiatrists, and various other drug pushers to fuck off and that I'll never swallow another "happy" pill in my life was one of the, if not the most important life decisions I have ever made.

My brother is bipolar. He was diagnosed and started medication for it a year or so ago. I no longer have contact with him, the brother I knew is no more. He is his "disease" now. Complete asshole, more miserable than before. And yes, I believe that experiences and factors in his life led him to exhibit his "bipolar" symptoms.

People in our modern society seem to think that they should be "happy" 24 hours a day seven days a week. It just doesn't work that way. Life is suffering. We are dying a little more everyday since birth. This doesn't mean we can't be happy. We just need to accept that life is painful, and this pain is what makes the good things in life truly sweet. These people that try to avoid all suffering, whether it be through pills or other, they lose their humanity and will eventually regret it.

I stand by my statement that depression is rooted in self pity. Really, think about it. Also, I find it hard to believe that someone who has access to a computer, and the free time to browse a fucking pot forum, is in any way justifiably depressed. Now someone starving to death in somalia, who just watched their mother be raped and killed by islamists. Sure, they can be legitamately depressed. And even still, they are pitying themselves. Us first worlders, the vast majority of us, have no justification for depression.

I know I just ranted on pharmaceuticals when this thread is about ganj, I got carried away trying to prove a point.

Does ganj make us feel better? I think we all know it does. It's medicinal applications are vast. When I feel down, does a bong help? Fuck yes. It is no substitute for actually getting off the couch and doing something about whatever it is that is making me feel down, though. Cannabis, as amazing as it might be at treating symptoms, doesn't "cure" anything. When you wake up the next morning, whatever it was that was eating you the day before will still be there.

If you need ganj just to be "normal", what the fuck are you supposed to do to get high?


Well-Known Member
Very good points. I think you're definitely spot on on quite a few things... It certainly does piss me off how often society tells me I'm not normal, or whatever... I've never liked taking add medications either, so instead I've learned to naturally control my add. Hell, I see it as maybe it's a remnant of something that would have been useful to humans thousands of years ago when they had to hunt their own food with hand made weapons, but it's now been slowly stamped out evolutionarily... It's interesting, because 'm just having a similar conversation with my parents, because I'm not doing very well in school (well, I never really have, for that matter) and I don't really know why.

I can logically work through all of the reasons I should get out of bed and go to class, but when it comes time to do that, I find it substantially difficult.

I agree with you that it's ridiculous to try to cure depression, and I certainly agree that it's a highly over-sensationalized "condition."

I do hate the "drug-needy attitude," as you called it. It drives me nuts that humans are so driven to define what a normal person is, or how people should normally behave... We have such a structured system that we force our children through, I think it destroys so much of our human nature by forcing everyone to conform to a certain level of socially acceptable "norms"


And yeah, the ganj helps, but as you said, it's treating symptoms. Well, maybe that's all that we need to do, because those symptoms are simply stemming from our human nature and our intense individuality...

I remember going to so many doctors throughout my childhood... A few of them stick out in my memory, even at a young age, as trying to force me to change, instead of trying to help me understand myself and help me fit into society, they try to make society fit into you. Maybe I'm not depressed, I'm just even less normal than everyone else? :P

Anyway, I'm sorry i kinda thread jacked you here, itsamedicalneed... I'll give it back now :mrgreen:

Smiley D, I wish you all the best mate.


Active Member
I've been depressed for over 10 years straight, not fun but I'll tell you from my experiance marijuana works the best to relieve it out of all other drug options. I also work out every day and play sports (always have), it helps too but only temporarily like the drugs do, depression is the devil I wish it on nobody. I was always the popular guy, always happy, the guy that couldn't possibly understand how anybody could be depressed in this beautiful world untill it hit me first hand.

I also went from bi-polar to chronic, I would take bipolar any day over chronic depression at least when I was bipolar I had some good times all though they were extreme highs and lows, still some good happy days mixed in, with the chronic depression it's just one constant feeling over and over every day .

I tried numerous prescriptions and honestly I'm a firm believer that they are all placebo drugs, they don't actually do anything to help depression. If you give a girl a plain glass of cranberry juice and tell her theres vodka in it next thing you know shes drunk off nothing but juice. So in conclusion they are all bull shit, but if you truly believe they work than you can trick your mind into believing so, but I'm already a sceptical, cynical, all reality type of guy witch is part of the reason I will always be depressed, it's impossible to be neive, hopeful and innocent again that would be nice.

Now you'll have to find a strain that works for you because they are all different some will make it worse.

I think the extra anxiety that marijuana can cause is just another example of the "law"
if it was legal and you could smoke freely without worrying about the law than it would be that much better and the anxiety wouldn't be there because you wouldn't have the guilt or pressure.


Well-Known Member
After 18 years of trying different antidepressants, what most call "normal" feels pretty HIGH to me. Being functional is cool, man.