Dialed for success [1000wHPS/T5 CAB] - 2 Unknown dank strains


Active Member
More and more do I love this hobby. As I finally am feasting on the fruits of my first endeavor (All 35g's of it..lol..cfl's :cuss: ) Although it is okay smoke i really diddnt have much of an idea of what I was doing.

My pops grew for god knows how long always just personal but man did him and his buddys always have the dank. I scored some seeds from him this summer and decided to go outdoors. I just popped some beans in the ground and hoped for the best. 3 males, and 1 female of one strain and 2 females of the second strain. I transplanted the male about 30 minutes away to a safer zone if i decided to try and cross the 2 strains together. All in all things are just fine and are about to finish up I have one cross plant with lots of seeds all over it that I took to accompany the male down the way. The other females are amazing, I dont have a camera atm so I can't take pictures but take my word they are delicious looking.

On to my cab, after I achieved on successfully rooting 4 clones off the outdoor dank I decided to beef my cab up.

From CFL pooper, to shiny wooden box of greeeeeeen love.

Upgraded lighting,

1000wHPS w/ COOLSUN reflector. (Cooled by a rediculus fan, not sure about CFM but I can get my hand within inches of the light without discomfort)

Upgraded Vent,
1x6' inline exhaust fan
1x6' inline intake fan

about 500cfm between the two, although will be getting a vortex sometime soon.


3 in soil, 5 gallon buckets. Using DNF formula for nutes (Veg/bloom) maybe monster bloom and grow.

4 plant DWC system, Only one plant in at the moment waiting on other clones to root. Using the same nutes for this as well have heard great things in soil or hydro.

[DWC Powered by 2 Aquaclear 50's i beleave their called. Dual heads on both so have 4 air stones in there. 2 Large and 2 Medium at either end. Great bubbling]

This is my first hydro run too. Just transplanted the little guy in there 2 days ago.

Here are some picss enjoy.

ps. my plants look kinda weird although their new growth is actually looking like that good herbal. Anyone have issues with clones looking weird.



Active Member
Thanks guys, yeah...this will be my journal.. hope i get a decent camera back soon.

cheers all! love any input


Active Member
Decided to move outta the cab and into a bigger space. gonna set it up with wooden frame and door today.

cheers. and now, i can get my ladies even closer to the light. gonna drop it down quite a bit tonight!

