
Well-Known Member
I just topped using the uncle bens method coz it looks like that man knows his shit. Should i now tie down the 4 new shoots and get a ton of little buds or just grow the plants out for 4 huge buds on each? What do you think will yeild more.

Has ne1 got any experience with either of these methods. + rep for any advice


Active Member
I may be way off here, but the idea behind Lst is to allow more growth without the height. So if you Lst it the top will still stand tall
but it will allow more light to hit the lower portions of the plant producing a higher yield at the lower sections and still retain the yield of the tops.

If you have more than one plant, try it on one or two and see what your end results are between them.


Well-Known Member
I've got 2 Uncle Ben technique plants you can look at in my journal. I just started training them 1 month into flowering. All that I had to do was spread the main colas apart to allow for added light penetration. Uncle Ben says that the weight of the colas should spread them apart. To answer your question, they need very little training and it's only to get more light to the lower branches. This is my first attempt using this technique.


Well-Known Member
I am definetly looking for an even canopy. Thats why i cant try both ways. I plan on tying them either way but im not sure whether to tie them outwards a little, to get light to the lower buds, OR to tie the shoots down as far as possible.

Cannatari, how tall did ur plants get? im just going to check out ur journal


Well-Known Member
Cannatari, how tall did ur plants get? im just going to check out ur journal
I'm still flowering, right now they are about 18 inches tall. I topped them very early and vegged till they were about 8 inches. How you train them depends alot on the phenotype. I have 1 plant that likes to side branch and one that does not. They looked identical when I started flowering, but as you can see they grew very differently afterwards. It wasn't a hard decision to make when I could see that they would really benefit from training, although I'm shooting for productive lower branches, not the even canopy.


Well-Known Member
If you only want 4 main colas just LST them a little to keep them even. If you Pull them straight out you'll get new colas forming off those branches. I personally would get them horizontal, or top them all and get more arms. My avatar is one plant. Had about 30 strings going from branches to the pot to keep every arm evenly separated and at the same height. This takes longer and you have to adjust them every day but you get a good harvest just no monster buds. I personally rather have a bunch of decent sized buds rather than a couple monster buds.


Active Member
I'm a believer in the Uncle Ben technique, almost always produces huge colas.
if your just trying for a higher yeild and havent flowered yet i would say top those bitches again.
my roomates last plant was topped four times and had 12 big colas. although it was in a ten gallon pot.
just gotta experiment and find out wat works with that plant and for the space you have.
gl man happy tokin


Well-Known Member
My space is 4 x 5 and about 1.5mtres high. What do you guys think will fit better under my 600watt 6 uncle ben topped and lstd or 8 topped and then let to grow naturally. I currently have 6 lstd big bushes squeezed in to my flower room and it is tight.

by the time i move my new babies to the flower room they will have veged for 6 weeks


Active Member
If you've got the height to just grow out the 8 toped plants thats what i would do but they will get pretty damn big under that 600. depending on how big your pots are.
but id say first try the half and half and see how that works out. cuz you wanna find out what works and since i assume you will keep growin after this one. I would focus on finding the way that works for your space and lights. I'd also say try one or two on FIM if you want to get all options covered.
Sorry if that was a little confusing, I'm toooo Baked to move right now lol


yeah it was my first grow i had it under one 75 watt indoor plant light lol from home depo.. then i research on here and put it on 5 cfls with fan and organocide...

but its cool that it grew two heads...