Did I top my plants wrong!?


Active Member
Well I decided at about 3 weeks into veg to top 2 of my plants to see how it worked. My larger plant didn't take well. I think I did it right, but no new growth has come out of it. It has simply dried up and stayed the same ever since i trimmed off the new growth.

Since my camera is dead, and I have no charger for it I have no pictures for you unfortunately. All I can do is try and explain what I did with as much detail as possible.

So looking down on the plant, the entire thing is perfectly symmetrical with new growth coming off the main stalk alternating sides. It was on the 6th node or so and only 10inches tall. The new newest growth coming out of the middle i trimmed all the way down to the last growth. Nothing... Is there a video of someone topping their plants anywhere? Better pictures instead of diagrams? I want to get this right and can't seem to. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
check this out, 1 of my outside plants was eaten and almost all the leaves were off it and it was pulled out of the ground, i put it back in the ground and it grew 2 main colas.
just let something eat some of it, lol it worked for me.


Active Member
Its not that hard.
-During veg a little while, 1-0.5 weeks b4 flowering(Not exactly sure on time)
-Look at the bottom stem and trace it all the way to the top
-Once at the very very top cut it with a razor blade at some angleº(Not sure the degees)



Well-Known Member
on the top of the page theres a growFAQ link, if you click that, im sure you will find answers to topping,