Did my plant go hermie on me ?********PICS


Active Member
my first grow, so i wouldn't really know
i was hoping someone on here does though
there are white hairs and what looks like to be pollen sacs.. but then again im not sure



Well-Known Member
afraid so. How many of those balls are there? If theres not to many, you could remove them. Otherwise I guess just grow it out for hash.


Well-Known Member
Unless there are other females present, then you might just want to toss it. I dont think they want to see her balls


Active Member
this is actually my only plant
kinda disappointing it turned into a male
but if i do remove the sacs would that hinder the plant growth/flower in anyway ?


Well-Known Member
Textbook early hermie pics. Small consolation, but some newbie someday somewhere will benefit from seeing them.


Active Member
well that fuckin blows
would it still conitnue flowering though? since there are some white hairs already
just snip off the sacs or something, would that work ?


Well-Known Member
The people on here telling you its a male dont know what they are talking about.Your plant is more female then male. it still produces THC.

And yes it will continue to flower.

But if you want to smoke it cut off Her BALLS Anyway.....less seed....ull still get stoned

i promise...............


Well-Known Member
If you have other females in the same place I wouldn't risk it. But if that's the only plant, why not grow it out? If you are going to grow it out, yes. Try to snip the ballz to prevent it pollinating itself and going to seed.. On the other hand if you have the seeds for the next go around, you might just want to cut your losses and get on to the next generation-- save a couple of months.


Well-Known Member
Spray the balls with some water and then cut them off and then keep an eye on it real close just to catch any new balls that might grow on it. You should be fine. I had a AK-47 turn hermie and it polinated every plant in the flower room. I did not catch it in time because it was my first grow and i am kinda glad that it did happen because i know what to look out for now.


Well-Known Member
Depending on the strain you may just pick out the seeds after the grow. I had some Jock Horror Hermie on me because it was stressed in a old KEG Fridge that I poorly converted into a grow box I flowered it anyway and the bud was geat after I turned it into a pile of scrap after D-Seeding for an hour or two.

That sucks an good luck!
PS: If anyone has any KEG BOX/GROW BOX designs please send me a link!


Active Member
ahhh yess !
thanks guys haha
i just snipped off the balls
its some type of kush.. dunno what exactly though
but thanks again !!


Well-Known Member
It may keep producing more BALLS after a week or 2 I'd just leave them or it might be more sniping than one wishes to deal with. But lets hope for the best!


Active Member
I've had luck by picking sacs off and letting it continue budding, some with actually get tricked back into female development, while others will just keep throwing sacs!


Well-Known Member
It will continue to flower...If its your only one man, keep it....it will be smoke...not the best smoke...And you never know it could just end up to be a seedy girl...and you got seeds for your next grow...Dont snip anything, i would say...then you got some seeds...