Did this just hermie on me??? NEED HELP!


First grow. Its a Barneys LSD strain and shes starting week 7 of flowering. Supposed to be a 10-11 week flowering period before harvest. Shes been on botanicare pure blend products with botanicare supplements since veg. Ph has been around 5.7 to 6.0, humidity 45-55 and temp around 75 F to 83 F.

About a week and a half ago i had to tie her down because she kept touching the light and the top of the colas started to yellow and crisp. She has not made much change since then. Pistils still white and now the calyxes look like they are more spread apart from each other. Also seems like the trichomes have receded. Lower buds pistils did turn orange/brownish but calyxes nor trichomes have changed. So does she look hermied out to anyone? Any help from experienced growers greatly appreciated!!!

Ps. I cut off a little piece of a top bud to get a closer look. Looks like pistiless calyxes. Are these hermied out?


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Well-Known Member
Are you sure thats been flowering for 7 weeks? and no it does not look like hermied.

I grew LSD before and I even harvested right at 8 weeks, came out great. dense nuggets.


Yea i think the beggining of week 7. Around june 14 i started slowly switching to 12-12 so by june 20 it was already 12-12. Maybe week 6 because ive read somewhere you dont count the first week when you first switch to 12 12 but when you first see preflowers so im not 100% sure what week.


The little tip of a nug i cut for a closer look in one of the pics i posted has some "calyxes" with no pistils.... does are not hermied out??


Well-Known Member
nothing in any of those pictures looks like a herm. One pic where all the pistols r brownish looks like it got crushed or something. They def dont look ready.


Ok thanks! Yea i know theyre not ready yet. I was just a little worried because they dont look like the other LSD i have which is more "full" and alot more trichomes. First grow so every little thing scares me lol. But thanks for the replies!


Well-Known Member
First grow. Its a Barneys LSD strain and shes starting week 7 of flowering. Supposed to be a 10-11 week flowering period before harvest. Shes been on botanicare pure blend products with botanicare supplements since veg. Ph has been around 5.7 to 6.0, humidity 45-55 and temp around 75 F to 83 F.

About a week and a half ago i had to tie her down because she kept touching the light and the top of the colas started to yellow and crisp. She has not made much change since then. Pistils still white and now the calyxes look like they are more spread apart from each other. Also seems like the trichomes have receded. Lower buds pistils did turn orange/brownish but calyxes nor trichomes have changed. So does she look hermied out to anyone? Any help from experienced growers greatly appreciated!!!

Ps. I cut off a little piece of a top bud to get a closer look. Looks like pistiless calyxes. Are these hermied out?
Did you get these from a seed bank or a friend with a clone ?? That thing looks very sativa looks nice got some fat colas


feminised seeds from drchronic.com germinated 4 and so far 100% germination and all female.

and yes she has huge buds lol thats why i was worried for her.