Did ya ever notice...


Active Member
That when you start growing, everything looks like marijuana?

Do you look at random plants, trees, bushes and try to guess its nutrient deficiency?

Did I smoke too much?




Well-Known Member
LMAO!!! Earlier today was looking at my parents plant they have in the living rrom and saw the tips were yellowing and what not..i was like "hmmm looks to me like too much nutes!" but yea i know what you mean..bushes look like big plants that were topped 38,420 times etc...


Well-Known Member
yeah, once you start doing some research, you realize how different plants are in terms of their common nutrient deficiencies, yet how generally they like to be treated the same.


Well-Known Member
Lol...i think alot of us do it...but like cees said...it's not all the same things...i have alot of house plants that you would very easily misdiagnose it's problem.


Well-Known Member
Plants are just like people. They share a common bond, but are very different in their individual needs. Makes you wonder about that theory that the world we live in is just a reflection of the collective consciness.

Random noise boy

Well-Known Member
i'm with you on that, i was watching something last night about your forces, i was always looking in the background to see what plants were growing!


Well-Known Member
My girlfriends mom and her gramma always ask me what's wrong with there plants...but that's cause i have alot of houseplants, and everytime i go there they look better and better...i'm kinda the family greenthumb.


Well-Known Member
Lol...i wonder if they ever think that i grow MORE then just houseplants....lmao!!!! Sometimes at family dinners...her uncles start talking about 6 foot plants...and then kinda look at me...maybe they wanna grow too and want me to pipe up and say something so that i can help them....lmao!!!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
ahhahahahh yeah same with me smokablunt..the plant had nitrogen definecny obviouslly and i was like..you guys need to get some nitrogen in those plants..and theyve caught me before so there like oh..back to growin again huh?..sorry just thought id share that but yeah every plant i look at does look like mj..growing has made me apreciate nature so much more...


Active Member
Haha me and my friends talk about that all the time i thought we where just to high but i didnt know other people did it :peace:


Well-Known Member
i've had urges to go through town spraying random plants/bushes with the nutes i'm using in the grow and take pictures of them. then go back to them to see if they are improved or bigger. i'd spray the same ones atleast once a week. do it at night so noone sees what i'm doing.
it could be done. lmao.


Well-Known Member
You could do that during the day. There is nothing illegal about tryin' to help a plant live a better life. Takin' pictures of nature is not a crime either.


Well-Known Member
actually my town is ran by the damn masons. i love how they have a satanist pentagram on their "church" or meeting hall..whatever it is. freaking weirdos.


Well-Known Member
I find myself not seeing plants as weed but seeing spaces in hotels houses businesses and sayin to myself that would make a great grow room or you could grow herb in their:peace: