Did you hear about snoop Dogg getting arrested?


Well-Known Member
those checkpoints are bullshit. i love it when they ask me my country of origin. i reply with questions of my own, such as "well, do i look mexican?" and my fav, which leaves them speechless everytime- "dont you guys think you could patrol the border better if you were actually at the border?"

LMAO I needed a good laugh. My day has been the worst day in a Loooong time.


Well-Known Member
Im sure everybody is familar with Montel Williams? Has his own talk show. Well anyways he was arrested for poccession of drug paraphernalia. He was caught at an airport with a marijuana pipe, and arrested. I seen some footage of him on television, and he almost looked like a different man from the man on his tv show. He was saying he absolutely needs to smoke marijuana every morning and how it was medication, I don't know the entire story, it happened probably at least a year ago now.

Yeah he openly admits to smoking marijuana.


Well-Known Member
So? Who fucking cares? I still don't understand why people think it's a problem we need to stop. You cannot stop meth, heroin, and coke users from using their drug. You absolutely cannot. It is futile to even try. Waste of tax payer money if you ask me.
I 100% agree with that statement. Like Ron Paul says, who is the government to say what you can and cant do with your own body. If you choose to do drugs you should be able to. Its your choice. And that hard drug users shouldn't be treated as criminals because its a disease. They become criminals because of the way we deal with drugs. They have no choice but to do criminal activities.

For example what is it Portugal? They have EVERYTHING legalized and a shop where you can go and get ur heroin and stuff and use it right there. Guess what the crime went way down. Aids went way down, and teenage use went down. We need to take a lesson from them. They are doing it right. We are approaching it WRONG. The WAR ON DRUGS is a joke. Its a lose lose situation.