diesel ryder perpetual grow


Well-Known Member
Oh and by the way no cloning is not possible with the ryder strains as even clones or as I call them shoots will flower the same time as the mother so its almost better to keep it on the orignal mother plant and do some reading in making female seeds and start practicing that application then you could get 100 percent female seeds to just keep on growing. Just a thought though.........


Well-Known Member
Ya I want to learn how to make seeds but for now I am just going to stick to all females and get that under my belt before I start trying to create seeds. My bigger female has little red dots all over her leaves its really weird. It started at like two weeks and I hadn't even added any nutes yet. I checked the whole plants for bugs or spider mites and turned up nothing on both plants. I don't know what it is just that its really weird looking. Heat had been an issue from the start though. I live in a VERY hot climate. Just now since the change in weather has my temps started to drop drastically now. I'll post some pics in a little bit and let you see them and see what you guys think.


Well-Known Member
A clone is as developed (sexually) as their mother was at the time of cutting...

That's is why I was able to flower clones that were 3" high...
OK, obviously I was all wrong about this. It is possible to clone autoflowering strains. So now the question is, is it worth it? What's the difference in yield between flowering a single plant or snipping off several shoots, rooting them, and growing them out? They're going to all finish at the same time anyway and there's a lot of energy going into growing roots on the clones that would instead go into producing bud if the shoots were left on the mother plant. A less than 100% survival rate for the clones would reduce the yield even more. Interesting question. A side by side comparison would be really useful here.

thats what i thought.

guess that means my first grow is for seeds
Keep in mind that if the parents are F1, the seeds will be F2, which are much less stable than F1s. Depending on how many genes influence the autoflowering trait, you might end up with only a small number of autoflowering progeny.


Well-Known Member
i think a 20/4 light cycle would be more beneficial than 24 hours of light. i just read it on the joint doctor or attitude site yesterday when i was looking at diesel ryder seeds.

i'm gonna grow these ones while i'm vegging my mothers for the big grow, so i still have a harvest while i wait for my harvest.


Well-Known Member
so if i get seeds from the first harvest they'll be more unstable and possibly not auto flower?
i dont want to have to keep buying seeds every harvest unless i'm making enough to compensate.


Well-Known Member
ok so i have a question. i just germed my seeds on friday, one cracked and showed root by sunday, and that one just took off. checked it in the morning and the seed was still just under the rim of the grow medium, checked back about 8 hours later and this thing is a full 2 cm above the rim!! but the problem is, the root didnt grow down, it just ppushed the seed up. i am wondering if i should just leave it and see where it goes or take it out and replant it deeper into the medium.
here's what i mean:
(sorry for the blurriness, had to use the phone for a quick pic before work)


Active Member
i think a 20/4 light cycle would be more beneficial than 24 hours of light. i just read it on the joint doctor or attitude site yesterday when i was looking at diesel ryder seeds.

i'm gonna grow these ones while i'm vegging my mothers for the big grow, so i still have a harvest while i wait for my harvest.
In my little experience plants keeped at 24/0 yeld more, strech less compared to 20/4. But is only my opinion...


Well-Known Member
If I were you, I would make sure the root is buried but that the cotyledon leaves are above the earth. Keep it under a low intensity light (fluorescents are good) and do not water it too much. What's the planting medium? In the pic it looks like saturated mud. That would not be good.


Well-Known Member
the grow medium is a mud looking foam plug, came with the master gardener kit that came with my AG.

would it be harmful to the plant if i took it out and cut the foam in half and replanted it?


Well-Known Member
the grow medium is a mud looking foam plug, came with the master gardener kit that came with my AG.

would it be harmful to the plant if i took it out and cut the foam in half and replanted it?
probably not as harmful as leaving it like it is now.


Well-Known Member
ok so here's my baby after the surgery.
everything went perfect ans the seed casing has already fallen off!!

just look at all the purple thats going on already!

oh and a quick qizzle: does the amount of purple as a seedling mean anything? i know purple is just bag appeal, but seeing as this is an unknow strain, i am wondering if it will be any good. thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
day three of week two.
everything is looking a-okay.
violette (the eldest and most developed) is starting on her fourth set of leaves.
planted two more about 5 days ago, just popped them into the AG and taped over the seed pod for darkness. these two (power skunk variety) have each just shed their seed casing and are developing the second set as we speak.
the last and for damn sure not least is the joint doctor's diesel ryder, popped the seed in the ag to germ 3 days ago. casing cracked and root is growing.
so i have 4/4 seeds cracked and growing.

not bad for a noob.
will have pics up later on tonight so you guys can critique.
peace brothas


Well-Known Member
so i come home one afternoon to check on my babies, only to discover one of my cfl's had fallen onto my eldest!!!:cry:
it had only been sitting there for about an hour or so but you can tell she's fuct.
is there any way to save a burned plant?

sorry for the lack of pics, cant seem to find my camera charger!!!


Well-Known Member
My experience with Diesel Ryder:
Grew it. Smoked it. Hated it. Turned it all into butter.

Maybe you will have better luck, though!