Different strain different feeding.


Both have had the same amount of sun and feeding. The indica has yellow in between the veins and there are tiny burned tips on the sativa. soil is 70% perlite 30% coco coir. Fertlilizer given are 30:10:10 & 0-2-1 & 3-3-5. Ph is 5.5 They have both been flushed once. I would like to continue giving them both the same food but what N-P-K would be best for the both of them by the way they both look? If you don't think i could fix the problem by giving the same fertilizer what do they both need?


Hey yeah! adjusted PH to 6.5 Been using Mother earth super tea all throughout since last post.You can see the PH problem on the bottom left. MY God! ZERO burned tips smells like heaven.