digital ballast RF is screwing up my cable and internet.


Well im glad to say my problem is solved. No ground was needed. It just needed to he surounded by some steel and aluminum to throw off the frequencies. Thanks for all of your help!!


Active Member
Same thing happened to me! Only when my ballasts turned on, it would shit off my entire streets cable and phone lines. I just had the cable company come out to my place and install a bullet on the cable lines. Problem solved for me.
LOL you are not this guy are you? Digital Greenhouse ballasts sound like they suck hardcore.

O M F G!!

You are not gonna believe the night i just had!

I had been running the light in a socket in the attic but i was using an adapter that goes from 3 prongs ( ground ) to 2 prongs ( no ground ) and i thought maybe just maybe that had something to do w/ the bulbs blowing.. So i change outlets and plugged the ballast into a NORMAL GROUNDED ( 3 prong ) wall outlet in the living room and just ran a heavy duty extension cord ( same cord i have always used ) into my closet. At 2 am I see flashing lights outside and seen a flashlight going into my back yard. Now, our internet has been out all night ( since i plugged up the 600w digital ballast ) but i didnt think anything of it.there was a cable repair truck in front of my house ( 2 AM )and a repairman walking from behind my house so i ask whats wrong and he says..

"something in your home is causing RF feedback on the line and is causing the ENTIRE AREA's internet/cable to be out." I had to disable an outlet untill someone can get here tomorrow to come in and see whats causing it"

OK needless to say I TOTALLY FREAKED OUT and bagged up all my plants and immediately drove and disposed of them and came back and totally dismantled my grow area and got rid of EVERYTHING that has anything to do w/ growing.

I SERIOUSLY caution ANYONE thats thinking about buying a "digital greenhouse 600W digital ballast from HTG to not do so..I used it the correct way ( in a normal 3 plug grounded socket ) tonight and it caused internet/cable outages in my enttire area!!! Over 1000 homes he said.

Im still nervous as hell cuz I dont know wtf im gonna tell the cable ppl when they come and inspect to see what was causing it.

I am so fucking shocked by all this.. I cannot believe what just happened.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Well im glad to say my problem is solved. No ground was needed. It just needed to he surounded by some steel and aluminum to throw off the frequencies. Thanks for all of your help!!
Thing is, the RF energy is now bouncing around inside the cabinet, just a wire attached (with a bolt) to the cabinet and to ground will finish the job.


Well-Known Member
it can cause an electrical build up. maybe mild electric shock. also it will die if you get nuked or emp'd cause there is nothing grounding it.


Well i suppose if its just a bolt and a wire i should probably do it. Thanks for all of your help everyone, my girlfriend is happy again now that she can lay in bed and watch tv, and actually do her homework at home lol.