Digital w/430watt


Well-Known Member
So I cant find a good answer as to whether or not you can run a 430Watt bulb in a 400watt digital ballasts.

Can someone please verify that they are running this setup?


Well-Known Member
YOU'LL BE FINE! You can ALWAYS run a STRONGER bulb than the BALLAST but NEVER run a STRONGER BALLAST than the bulb! :-P


Well-Known Member
YOU'LL BE FINE! You can ALWAYS run a STRONGER bulb than the BALLAST but NEVER run a STRONGER BALLAST than the bulb! :-P
You can not always run a stronger bulb in a digital ballast. Some bulbs, for example Solarmax bulbs, have higher initial power requirements and can't be ignited with an undersized or sometimes even the right size digital ballast. The problem is that a digital ballast does a soft start to prolong the life of the bulb unlike a magnetic ballast where you get full power as soon as you turn it on.

A 430 Son Agro watt bulb should work just fine in a 400 watt digital ballast.