Dinafem critical jack auto grow cfl


Well-Known Member
Day 9
well made some more mods to the area to make room for auto blueberry shes germing now. that means ill be having a total of at least 18 lights in there once they flower, but thats for me to mess with once they get large but for now here some pics for critical jack and the grow space area DSCN0452.jpgDSCN0450.jpgDSCN0451.jpg


Well-Known Member
day 10 no pics today .... i have fungus gnats , but they are being treated , i treated my water with 1 table spoon of hydrogen peroxide to a gal of water. and also put a half inch of perlite ontop of my soil and along with all that hung up a few fly sticky traps. lets hope this takes them out . blueberry is still germing im going to cook her soil b4 putting it in there


Well-Known Member
alright day 11 and blueberry probably ganna go into her soil tonight . so ive rearranged the space and added the last of all my lights i will be useing ( lol maybe ill add more) heres pics DSCN0462.jpgDSCN0463.jpgDSCN0464.jpg

DSCN0467.jpgDSCN0466.jpgDSCN0465.jpg/.......................ps blueberrys in the soil


Well-Known Member
Day 14 jack day 2 blue berry the jack has some yellowing of the leaves going on not sure what cased this but the new growth seems to be fine


hope the plants are doing well man!!
what was the yellowing in the end? did you figure it out?
my seeds should be arriving this week..please god!

diet coke

Active Member
I would use larger cfls, like 55w. You can get them at most hardware stores.

Fewer bulbs is easier for me to set up.


Well-Known Member
ive got 2 63 watt bulbs i use and 10 23 watt ones right now....... if you use the big ones only you lose lumens. look at the output of one 63watt equivalent to 300 watt compared to 3 23 watts equivalent to 100 watters , with 3 23 watts u get more lumens, and along with that if u use one 63 watt apposed to 3 23 watts then you can only place the 63 watt in one area where as with 3 23 watts u can place them around the plant for better light coverage


Well-Known Member
the higher watt ones i like to use along side with the smaller 23 watt o0nes ..i find that the bigger 42 and 63 watt ones produce much more heat so keeping them as my top lighting is what i always do , then using 23 watters to surround the plant from every angle ...works charms if you have bulbs all over there is no need for lst scrog and such because u are doing the same thing u would be doing in an lst but instead of bending the plant to allow more light to penetrate you just moving the light to a diff angle. always results in bushy nice plants