Discrimination and Stigmatization of MMJ Patients

People really got to get it in their heads doctors are NOT gods ... hell half the time they refer to the iPhone FFS. .. when you feel your doctor failing you .... you must find another... I know it's not easy to just do that... also when that happens ya need to take care of your own health care
I will and have just stood up and walked the fuck out on doctors... then they change their minds in a hurry... not 1 I have done that too ever let me leave the office... lol.... just have to be calm and ensure you are polite but firm.... they never expect it and I supposed a little shocked hahaha but each his own
People really got to get it in their heads doctors are NOT gods ... hell half the time they refer to the iPhone FFS. .. when you feel your doctor failing you .... you must find another... I know it's not easy to just do that... also when that happens ya need to take care of your own health care
I will and have just stood up and walked the fuck out on doctors... then they change their minds in a hurry... not 1 I have done that too ever let me leave the office... lol.... just have to be calm and ensure you are polite but firm.... they never expect it and I supposed a little shocked hahaha but each his own
Believe me I'm not easy on any dr's read some of my other posts. They get an education whether they remember any of it is a different story. That prick in the emerg looked like an idiot in front of 3 cute nurses when I said they prescribe mj to treat seizures. Should have seen how red his face got
Preprogrammed to think anything that don't come out of a needle or in a pill is wrong .... you or Noone should ever be laughed at for seizures. .. those "cute" nurses should have hammered that doc
I know if my wife would have seen that she would have tore a strip off that doc right then and there... she likes her patients as Mary would probably do the same ... hopefully
I went to the hospital because some unknown substance was in my eye and after three weeks without improvement I sought treatment.
I have always had issues with medical treatments, I sweat profusely, skin turns pale, want to pass out. Even talking about medical issues causes this, I passed out at hospital when sister broke arm when I was about 14.... etc. It has been a lifelong issue, most definitely noted in my files...
When the doc started looking in my eye, these issues started happening, and his response to me was "how much pot did you smoke before you came here" and walked out. Fuckin Dick.
I told him that was completely irrelevant to the issues at hand.
Must be very hard when you have acute not the norm things going wrong ....
Hopefully that is not the normal bedside manner for that doc... ffs they should know better eh?
I suppose until they teach doctors more about patient understanding not only in weed experiences. .. they need to teach weed in medical school too and real info not just refer madness shit
I don't want to be the one who causes the camp to close which is a real possibility with Scouts Canada. I've talked to an advocacy group and they agree I have a strong case, but I'd rather just walk away than be an asshole.
I understand what you're saying, although technically it would be because of the other workers ignorance and feeling they're above others. FUCK THAT You're a bigger person than I. I've had about enough of that for the better part of my life, gloves are off now.
To understand other people you have to look at yourself, to understand yourself you need to look at other people.

I am often conflicted when I apply this.

I think weed is mostly harmless. But let's say I ask myself some hard questions.
How would I feel about it if my daughter's kindergarten teacher takes a break from work for a quick dab?
How would I feel if the man that hooked up the gas had a nice spliff over lunch? etc....
To understand other people you have to look at yourself, to understand yourself you need to look at other people.

I am often conflicted when I apply this.

I think weed is mostly harmless. But let's say I ask myself some hard questions.
How would I feel about it if my daughter's kindergarten teacher takes a break from work for a quick dab?
How would I feel if the man that hooked up the gas had a nice spliff over lunch? etc....
as long as they did so with out effecting their performance
like any cop lawyer judge doctor who takes meds during the day..

no issue but WE ALL KNOW BETTER
better than having a drink of booze or anything that would impair your judgment

some times dude....:roll:
Now let's say something went wrong. It was an honest mistake that could just as easily have been made by a sober person.
Would you not suspect that the weed might have something to do with it?
To understand other people you have to look at yourself, to understand yourself you need to look at other people.

I am often conflicted when I apply this.

I think weed is mostly harmless. But let's say I ask myself some hard questions.
How would I feel about it if my daughter's kindergarten teacher takes a break from work for a quick dab?
How would I feel if the man that hooked up the gas had a nice spliff over lunch? etc....
As long as the gas guy ain't toking while he's hooking it up I would toke with him.
Why is it that mmj patient rights are ignored and violated on a regular basis with absolutely no repercussions? Sometimes it is innocent, people still stuck in the reefer madness days, other times deliberate and malicious, but most often it is complete ignorance of mmj laws. You can understand individuals not being up to date with the ever changing rules (even I'm confused most days) but what gets me is businesses, large corporations and organizations and especially government agencies who are completely fucking clueless, or just don't give a shit.Or both.
I'm interested in hearing about other patients' experiences to compare to my own. I've had a few memorable incidents, and a new one that arrived yesterday and got my interest. One that stands out in my mind was in the emergency room after I had a seizure, and some snot nosed doctor wannabe asked my wife if I had taken any meds. She told him I only use medical marijuana. I listened to him mocking me to the nurses and other doctors for the next hour. He sounded like a fucking 8 year old...I told him so, didn't go over well! As a lot of you know, I am the caretaker at at Scout camp and I went through a huge year long production about being able to use my medicine in my home on the property. Turned out Scouts did not have a mmj policy and after a big song and dance, almost resulting in me being fired, I was tasked with creating a policy for them. The end result was having my private information released into the hands of Canada's largest organized gossip group. The harassment has gotten so bad, I found another job, and will be moving in a week. Which brings me to my latest find. My new job also comes with a residence, and my contract says I am required to buy tenant insurance. I decided to use the same company the property is insured by and set up the policy by phone. When the papers arrived in the mail yesterday to be signed, I found a 'one-liner' just above where I sign that raised an immediate WTF.
Absolute Exclusion
"It is warranted by you, that there is no marijuana activity or illegal substance activity on the premises"

What in the fuck is a 'marijuana activity'? I can guess they are protecting themselves against damage from grows, but it doesn't state that. They can't restrict marijuana use on the property, particularly medical, simply because they insure my contents. What can be classified as a 'marijuana activity' to allow them to void any claim? Typing on this forum could be considered a 'marijuana activity'. I have never had tenant insurance before and maybe this is normal in BC, but that don't make it right. I am just going to sign and shut up, as I don't want to jeopardize my new job, but I would love to ask for an explanation.
Anyone else had similar experiences?

Ask if you can have house plants. or grow organic tamatoes. If yes no more of a risk to mold. The thing is, if they have never grown marijuana how do they know..

Mold came from old grows back in the day because of how clandestine you had to be and not a lot of information available.

Nowadays things are in the open and places can be ventilated..