Dispensaries banned in Los Angeles


Well-Known Member
:wall:More power back to the black market now I guess. I wonder if RIU will allow transactions between Cali patients now.


Well-Known Member
Today city council banned all storefront dispensaries in the city of Los Angeles. Now im gonna need someone to buy meds from..
There's probably loads of caregivers in LA you can buy from right?

I don't get why they want to ban the dispensaries...


Well-Known Member
The new ordinance will allow patients and their caregivers to grow and share marijuana in groups of three people or fewer.


Well-Known Member
Man, that sucks bigtime for a lot of people...I know it's terrible, but first thing I thought of when I heard this news was "Cha-Ching!", haha...gonna be a much higher demand if they ever get around to closing all the dispensaries.


Well-Known Member
this is horrible... just going to make the black market stronger... and the cartels are going to porfit... maybe someone was bought off... not good either way the prices are going to go back up down south... I'll have to check my local news to see if the same thing is happening up north... damn good luck LA... stay high


Well-Known Member
I just know im gonna need someone to supply me ounces every week or so.. this is gonna suck.


Well-Known Member
Yah why buy it when you can grow it :)
I wish I could grow large enuf to keep me supplied plus extra all the time.. but I cant. I dont have the security to do that. This is a perfect example of why dispensaries are necessary. Oh well, I guess im gonna find some LA growers to sell me meds or make the drive to Hollywood.


Well-Known Member
But y would u be able to go to Hollywood and get meds if all disp. in L.A were banned? Isn't Hollywood in L.A or am I missing sumptin?


Well-Known Member
Can't you just ride to the next county to get your meds from a dispensary there. I can't understand how they are going to do something like this to medical patients. To me it looks like they are looking at MMJ patients as drug addicts trying to get a fix, so they can either grow it themselves or buy it from John and Jane Doe. I mean no other medical patient has to go through this kind of bs to get their medication. They just ride to the local CVS or Walgreens, and are greeted with a smile while picking up there big ass bottles of Oxycontins and Xanax. The shit is ridiculous. I'm someone living in a non MMJ state, and I have never witnessed the MMJ scene and just hope that one day I will have the choice toshit like that going down in my state. I don't feel like it will ever even get put up for a vote here in Kentucky. Anyways good luck guys and keep on giving the good fight. There are to many of us to ever stop us completely! Lol! They will never stop me anyway!