Dissociative vs Hallucinogen: Debate


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I want to start a topic about these two substances we talk about very often in this room. I want to know everything about hallucinogens and dissociatives: similarities, differences, experiences compared to each other etc.

First I think we should break down the categories, and I know there are MANY more than these so add to them as you have experienced them or are familiar with them:

Dissociative: PCP, Ketamine, DXM, etc.

Hallucinogen: LSD, Mushrooms, DMT, Salvia, 2c family etc.

So my first question is for those of you that have tried something from both categories. How is a Dissociative different from a Hallucinogen in terms of body high, visuals, experiences? Also, using a dissociative, do you still have that somewhat generic "psychedelic trip" you get from shrooms or acid? My personal experience is heavy on the Hallucinogen side and I'm curious to know the differences. And please continue with your own questions as well, I'm sure there are people on here that know.



Well-Known Member
its hard to explain... for me atleast i love both categories. k, dust, acid, mushrooms there all my favorite but crazy different. when im dusted it feels like somebody is standing 10 feet above me and just fuckin grabs my brain and drags it up there.. as far as visuals go on pcp astleast there not as clear as when your on acid or boomers. like you open your eyes and shit is morphing but just have a feeling of complete confusion.. last time i smoked angel dust i was at a rave and i was sitting down on a couch in the upstairs level, for what i thought was 5 minutes..... but turned out to be 2 hours, one of my friends came up and was talking to me and i was just screaming " LETS GO UPSTAIRS" and it took him like 15min to explain to me and for me to realize that i was infact.. already upstairs... fucking missed all of dj hypes set >.< as far as body feeling goes, feels like im made of metal and am most definatly a superstar.


Well-Known Member
well dxm just made me feel like maybe i might start hallucinating but didn't quite take me there, were as acid has a really clean feeling trip for me almost controllable. shrooms was just a crazy ride that once you get on you just have to stay on till its over. 2c-e is my favorite. kinda like the body feeling of e but the visuals from acid. mostly just morphing stuff, but i did see a bird come out of the painting. idk i think i'm going to have to go with hallucinogens over dissociatives all day. just a better feeling better high and you get to look at way cooler shit, but i haven't experimented with pcp or special k yet. they haven't found there way too me at this point of my life so maybe i'll have more to add on the subject later
Also for dissociatives Salvia (Not meant to be in the other category), I believe Pantherine (Muscimol), and of course the infamous Tropane alkaloids! :-D

The word you want for the second tier of substances you have is psychedelics, hallucinogen is a broad term that encompasses both dissociatives and psychedelics.
Don't forget Mescaline! :-D

Dissociatives are drugs that restrict or block signals to the conscious mind from other parts of the brain, typically, but not necessarily, by repressing awareness of the physical senses. Alcohol as a dissociative, in this sense, is compared to a classic 2nd plateau on DXM. Slurred speach, confusion, disorientation, Ataxia and Analgesia. LOL


Well-Known Member
Also for dissociatives Salvia (Not meant to be in the other category), I believe Pantherine (Muscimol), and of course the infamous Tropane alkaloids! :-D

The word you want for the second tier of substances you have is psychedelics, hallucinogen is a broad term that encompasses both dissociatives and psychedelics.
Don't forget Mescaline! :-D

Dissociatives are drugs that restrict or block signals to the conscious mind from other parts of the brain, typically, but not necessarily, by repressing awareness of the physical senses. Alcohol as a dissociative, in this sense, is compared to a classic 2nd plateau on DXM. Slurred speach, confusion, disorientation, Ataxia and Analgesia. LOL
truestory. i preffer acid over k / dust.. but sometimes you just cant find it for a month or two >.<


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree PEA with your breakdown. Now would you say there is almost a ven diagram of terms: 1 circle is dissociatives, 1 circle is psychedelics and the middle circle that is part of both is hallucinogen? Because I know that some dissociatives are actually referred to as hallucinogenic dissociatives i.e. dxm.

Yeah I read about dissociatives dealing with blocking signals to your brain which is why you have a harder time "processing" the conscious world. Now compared to a psychedelic, which actually stimulates your seratonin correct? Which is why you get that "glowing" body high. Or at least I do, like with shrooms, I'll have a body high longer than I have visuals.

Also Sublime420 I liked your description of visuals on dissociatives. I'm very familiar with psychedlic visuals, I usually see a lot of repeating, intricate geometric patterns with colors I never knew existed and wood grain type patterns that seem to "flow".


Well-Known Member
yeaman on acid pretty much everything i lookat forms some crazyyyyyyyyy ass pattern dancing/shifting/squiggling/flying and shit


Well-Known Member
Personally i like dissociatives better because i feel more in control of my surroundings. When im on psychedlics i feel as if the world is crashing down right b4 my eyes and there is nothing i can do about it. I loose all sense of reality( tho that has happend to me on dissacociatives) and some times i enjoy it because every thing thats old once again becomes new and exciting, but some times well most of the times things become very alien and can be frightening. The only hallucinigen i would ever do again would be 2c-I as it was like candy flipping, no it was more intence than candy fliping!! BUt the body high was fucking insane! And the visiuals were really fucking cool, only problem was it lasted waaay to long and the come down was not a pleasent experience. That being said the come down was better than some shroom trips iv had :)
I personally find that dissociatives can be psychedelic.
I am experienced in both the pyschedelic (LSD, Mush, etc.) category, and in the dissociative (Dxm, K, etc.) category.
Psychedelics I find to be more visual, and dissociatives I find to be more of a mental... for me anyways. When taking Dxm, or Ketamine, I have had many out of body experiences... where as in taking mush or acid I have never had an experience like that.


Well-Known Member
Dissociatives and psychedelics as already conveyed in some post here are far different! One is suppressing nerve pathways as the other is channeling either more serontonin/dopamine/epi