distance from bare bulb?


Hey whats up Red!I don't know that much about the ebb and gro but I did take a look at a few pics of it. IMO, when growing vertical you want to replicate a circle as best you can, square and rectangle confifurations are less efficient because of the varying distances from the light source.My vertical grows are set up in a hexagon, six separate 12 site shelves with a 30" radius. Using 2gal pots, the center of my plants are approx. 24" from the lights but my shelves are at a 22.5 degree angle. As my plants grow they get closer to the light source and average about 14"-16" away during flowering. I use to run them closer to the light but I swear it affects optimum ripening, (especially smell).From what I've seen looking at your ebb and gro, you might want to make a hexagon yourself, using 2 plants per side with the center of the plants (main stem) about 20" when you start out.I flip my plants pretty quick, when they are about 14-16".Looks like you can move this system away from the light as your plants get bigger so you can play with your distances.As far as the distance you stack your bulbs, it will depend on how high you anticipate your plants getting.I stacked my 1000s 15'' apart, remember that you will need a fan blowing from the bottom of your lights, especially bare bulb.Hope this helps, I'd be happy to share my knowledge with vertical growing with you anytime bro.
beenthere, this setup is exacly what I am trying to wrap my head around and am working on my next room. I just joined to ask you a few questions but I can't privately message you yet. Can you message me?


New Member
beenthere, this setup is exacly what I am trying to wrap my head around and am working on my next room. I just joined to ask you a few questions but I can't privately message you yet. Can you message me?
Hey sorry bro, I just now got back to this thread. what do ya need, I'll help you anyway I can.