DIY carbon filter $9 5-10 min


Well-Known Member
hey guys so i am about to start my new grow and found out that the seeds i bought are going to stink. so i decided instead of spending 50-100 on a filter i would make my own
heres what you will need"

activated carbon(walmart $5.88)
1 6 in mesh pot for hydro can go bigger $1
1 4 in mesh pot for hydro match with bigger
1 pair panty hose ($0.33 walmart)
duct tape

i had two different sized pots just sitting around and thats what gave me the idea

first take one leg of the panty hose and stretch it out a lil bit so the smaller mesh pot can slide all the way to the toe. cut it off about an inch above the top and fold it in and tape to inside of pot. set aside
next take the bigger pot and place the second panty hose leg into the bottom then stretch the top out and over the side so the opening on the pot is covered. next pour some of the carbon into the panty hose. use enough to cover the bottom about an inch. place smaller
mesh pot into center of carbon and push down untill carbon is settled into the bottom. then stuff the sides all around between to two pots. fill untill large pot is full. next unroll the panty hose from around the bigger pot and fold it into smaller one. duct tape around the top to seal it in BEFORE you tape shut make sure you Rinse the carbon to get rid of all the dust also pour into pots over a news paper or something to not make a mess
you can tweek this to fit any size exhaust or room. and the great part is it only take 5-10 minutes
peace out and enjoy i hope someone can use this in their own grow

