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Check this out:
I am the Senior Device Engineer for Innovalight (my qualification statement). What we have can be called a 'quantum dot' in the true sense of the the individual particle. What we really have is silicon nano particles that can be printed like your home or office printer that we turn into photovoltaic cells (solar cells). This is a tremendously cheaper technology than your standard wafer based solar cell. Yes, we are trying to save the planet in our own way mate~! We are talking reducing the cost to purchase a module by 1/3+ which already beats any other technology. When I was contacted by Innovalight I was doing research into obtaining the holy grail of photovoltaic energy production, less than a dollar per watt to purchase, less than a dollar per watt of energy output. We (my former research group in Australia) had achieved this milestone yet had a hard time getting financial backing due to political situations. Yet I was blown away by the potential of this technology! I dropped my research, finished my PhD a year ahead of schedule, gave up teaching at the university level with 3 months of vacation a year and jumped on board as I can see the future; 3 times less cost per watt from what I was researching, and my former research was way ahead of the curve I tell you!!! Yes, we are idealistic, yet realistic. We, Innovalight, are on the path to do our little part to save the world and help everyone to purchase solar modules on the cheap! We have several of the biggest investors there are backing us and on our board of directors with many more trying to get a piece of the pie. We will do our part to mediate what damage we have done to this planet since the industrial revolution. This is what I have dedicated my life and mind towards although all things must be done in moderation
. I must acknowledge my colleagues at Innovalight for their dedication. intelligence and innovativeness as we, as a team will give this to you all.
Mason L. Terry, PhD
Senior Device Engineer
ps - yes, we do keep track of the worlds pulse and thoughts. Let me know what you think to better serve your needs."
You can print this stuff with a friggin' Inkjet printer!
I always keep meaning to write some letters to a few of these companies and see if they could send me a few samples of their new (non-NDA) products to test/experiment with. I seriously think that if these tech companies possibly ran a 'beta' test for the interested 'Joe public' much the same way software/gaming companies do, they could get a lot of really good feedback from the likes of people like you guys.
Just imagine the feedback some of guys on this site could provide by trying to implement into a grow cabinet! hehe