DJ Short True Blueberry


Active Member
Has anyone had experience growing/smoking DJ Short's True Blueberry strain? I have searched high and low for a grow journal/ smoke report but cant seem to find one anywhere.

I found a few of journals from 2009 which were dissappointing for everyone because half way through their grows they found out that their seeds were fake due to a mix up at DJ Short's seed producer in Spain. It appears that this was since corrected and the genetics are back out but just havent seen people grow or report about it as it seems like this error just frustrated everyone not to try it again.

I did buy genuine True Blueberry from Hemp Depot about one year ago. Planted 10/10 seeds, all germed and 10/10 grew into beautiful, huge, very fast growing, deep dark purple males. Absolutely beautiful plants but a very expensive luck of the draw for me, unfortunately.

I am intruigued by this strain and want to know your experiences to see if I should invest in another pack to see if I have better luck.
I do know the difference between "True Blueberry" and DJ's "Regular Blueberry", one can find a ton of inormation on the genetics, just not how it grows and its smoke!

Thanks RUI!​


Well-Known Member
Nnot sure about the difference but I have a DJ short blue moonshine. Had her for 4years now. She blows them all out of the water. You can't go wrong.


Active Member
thanks. I've heard great things about blue moonshine, have always had it in the back of my mind to try, you're comment may push it towards the front of the pack now. Tuco, I appreciate you searching for Sub's Blueberry grow and posting it. Doing that really shows great character! Sub grows DJ's regular blueberry strain in that thread, it appears through that thread and others that his regular strain is not what it once was after he lost the father some time ago.

I guess "true blueberry" isnt a popular strain. Suppose I'll try my luck at it again and post a grow journal in the future and see if this strain is worth other's time and investment.


Active Member
What ever you do don't go with the BlueMoonshine from Dutch Passison, their version of it is total utter complete garbage!