DMT The Spirit Molecule / DMT discussion. Please join

Can someone please explain to me what 'Ayahuasca' is along with 'Caapi'? Also, are these two things combined in boiling water to create an activated form of DMT? Lastly, are those the same plants that can be bought on ebay?

Ayahuasca is a 2 part drink. The first part is made with plants containing a natural MAOI such as B. caapi. The second part is a brew of made from a DMT containing plant such as Psycotria viridis. The MAOI is needed in order to make the DMT orally active.

When people talk about a "DMT extraction," that means they are extracting the DMT from plant matter in a smokable, freebase form. Mimosa Hostilis is generally the plant of choice used for said extraction. In a smokable form, an MAOI isn't needed and is in my opinion the most powerful entheogen known to man. It's so powerful some people claim to have met aliens or non human beings. It only lasts for about 10 minutes though before you return to your body, where ayahuasca lasts several hours.
I got my hands on some 5-meo-dmt. Wasn't really prepared for it.

I toked it.

Upper left shoulder started hurting supppppppppppper bad (funky body load) and then boom.

Holy shit.

Like, holy fucking lord.

I threw up, stared at my throwup, fell on my back, procedeeded to throw up laying down straight up in the air and it was fucking crazy looking.

Hands down craziest experience of my life. I just stared at my throw up lying on my back with my head titled to the right and my vomit looked like a fucking crazy ass universe. Keep in mind, at the time I had no idea I was throwing up or anything, this was old told to me after I got super embarrassed half way thru the trip and shedded my clothes and jumped into the shower and pissed myself.

Anyway, fucking crazy experience. I wasn't prepared for it, but after 4 months I want to find some more of this shit.

I'm telling you, what I experienced was ineffable. Like holy fucking christ. Crrraaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyy shit guys.
Shame you didn't have a good sitter, 5meo tends to do this blackout thing unless you have someone to feed you some of the ques you drop while tripping, to guide you back to them.
Its a type of state specific memory where you seem to forget until you are in that same state again.
Ayahuasca is a 2 part drink. The first part is made with plants containing a natural MAOI such as B. caapi. The second part is a brew of made from a DMT containing plant such as Psycotria viridis. The MAOI is needed in order to make the DMT orally active.

When people talk about a "DMT extraction," that means they are extracting the DMT from plant matter in a smokable, freebase form. Mimosa Hostilis is generally the plant of choice used for said extraction. In a smokable form, an MAOI isn't needed and is in my opinion the most powerful entheogen known to man. It's so powerful some people claim to have met aliens or non human beings. It only lasts for about 10 minutes though before you return to your body, where ayahuasca lasts several hours.

Extractions can be in either freebase or salt form the later is better for oral absorbtion and is also what is used for IV.
Dude lol i thought the same thing. Im deathly afraid of needles but smoked dmt is like smoking plastic. i deff want to hit up ayahausca! Let me know how that journey goes.

I need to break through so i can start gathering knowledge. I can get morphing walls and floors and the blasted off feeling but never the full blown trip
Close your eyes, lie back and let go asif you are falling into sleep.
Extractions can be in either freebase or salt form the later is better for oral absorbtion and is also what is used for IV.

Can the extracted stuff used for IV in salt form safely? I had assumed the DMT like they used is the Rick Strassman study was of the synthesised flavor.
im hating on you guys that talk about it like you can get it down the street been chasing dmt for like a year and a half and no one has it or even knows about it. ive looked up on how to extract it even on where to get the best plants but im not to handy with all that .. wish i knew someone , hint
lol, I'm sitting on some bark, but I'm in two minds about if my heart is good enough for a trail yet.
Maybe I should just wait for the 6 month checkup. But hyperspace has been hounding my thoughts, I feel its pull.
If it is good to you, nothing else has ever been this good to you, and you'll keep krawling back for mercy.

P.S. You don't need to be handy, I would have been able to pull off an extraction by the age of 7.
lol, I live on the other side of the world mate, if I can get some, you can get some.
Shame you didn't have a good sitter

Yeah, I remember hearing my sitter say I was dieing. That was the scariest part.

But I do remember being a 5 year old happy laughing for a bit. I know it was just the trip, but at one point when I was laying on the floor, it felt like I was remembering what it felt like to be a little kid laughing my balls off for a bit. I think it was because I was laughing at my sitter saying I was going to die.


And to whoever said they are waiting to smoke this shit, just nut up and do it. It will grab you by the balls and show you something. Who cares if you don't remember. Just walk away knowing that a fucking bomb just went off in your brain and it was a blast. Roller coasters are less than 3 minutes and we spend fucking hours in line waiting for those things.

DMT > Roller Coaster

DMT = Scarier than Roller Coaster

DMT = I'm just blabbing about it because I want to see some reactions to what y'all think about it.

Moral of the story, no one I know that has done it has come away saying "that wasn't very crazy."

In fact, its more like.

Yeah, I remember hearing my sitter say I was dieing. That was the scariest part.

Your sitter told you that you were dying? Damn, that's worse than him yelling "COPS!"

Some friend. Sort of like this guy's.

With 5meo, a sitter is very usefull for remembering the trip, but you are normaly able to operate at ta level where you are not realy that aware of them during the experience.
With salvia, a bad sitter (even unintentionaly) can realy fuck up a trip.

hey this is great, i had to sign up so i can tell you guys my second experiance so far, iv been experimenting with this mixture of herbal insense latley its meant to give you a nice mellow high but two times now i have suddenly found myself hillucinating and having OBE EXACTLY the same affects of DMT. The first time i had the experiance of traveling threw a cloudy vortex to a bright light were i felt a strange force pulling me up and a loud vibrating buzz earthquake equivilent, to me i think its what time travelling would be like to a different dimension, all around got louder and louder and bigger until bam! i felt like i had been propelled into space or A space(braking thru).. when you do "Brake Thru" you dont really realize whats going on cuz there is no "you" to realize whats going on, you are simply everything and nothing at the same time and that is an extremely life changing experiance. A few more things went on i felt like god was pulling me up to heaven and my dad (who isnt dead) was pulling me back to earth becuase it wasnt my time to die, The second time was just last night but was suuuper unexpected, i had an alien encounter, as crazy as it sounds i opened a can of soft drink and a mechanical like bug/alien entered my body viar my neck and tried to take over my body, immediate reaction was to grab the bug in my fingers threw my skin and hold it there so it couldnt travel anywere else(i was actually holding onto my adams apple) i new straight away somehow that it was an alien and started explaining out aloud what/who i was and im here to be friends and explained how amazing it was to have this encounter, i never actually heard anyone speek but new they were defiantly listening to what i had to say as i could sense there calm state telepathically, as i was holding the bug it was giving of this strange buzz like vibrating i felt when i ran my fingers over it they kind of slid along like to magnets touching opposite ends repelling my fingers, i felt at peace with the creature as he understood me and felt somewhat bad for invading my body as i told him it was a quite scary experiance for a human and asked could he not take over my body for to long hahah, i then let go off the bug/my neck and layed down on the floor for a few mins while i let the bug scan my brain or something, it was gaining info about us, i went into a frozen like state an felt buzzing all through my body an started to black out as the bug left my body threw my foot i recall, apparently there are 3 types of experiances you will have with DMT 1.Travelling, 2. an alien like encounter or someone who is not from earth and im yet to have the 3rd an thats a personal experiance. My advice to people experimenting with dmt is get ready to be taken somewere you never could imagine existing in your teeny tiny brain ever! the 5th dimention, 4th is space, so your beyond space... My experiances havnt actually been as fun as they may sound as i was not taking pure dmt and especailly the first time WAS NOT expecting to suddenly go into this state atall. Last night i had one medium sized bong hit of this herbal insense stuff chilled out was sweet, bout half hour later had anouther but was scraping low so i sprinkled some of the fines ontop of the cone got up had a feed and was chillin out youtubin vids this would be 20mins after atleast, i was sitting on my bed when i cracked open the can of drink took one sip and suddenly got attacked by the alien, was very intense an scary. and hours after i still thought the bug was in me and that it could of been real i contemplated cutting it out myself... that could of ended badly. even the next day i was questioning it as i asked the alien to leave evidense and i had it drummed in my head it left the bug in me for doctors to find.. It has been making me think i was semi crazy until i read up on DMT. haha
im semi keen for anouther dmt trip, the only bad/hard thing is tryin to really enjoy the whole experiance because as soon as you fully enter this mutated mind state you forget anything an everything to do with anything.. if that makes sense... haha, you dont no anything but that moment, your sort of being controlled but not.. way to hard to explain.. but ye you forget smoking it so you dont no why its happening which tends to make someone abit pannicky. but i think its not made to be all fun its just all an experience, the good and bad parts are part of the whole trip, thats the package you bought into.

If you read all this cheers ay, means alot, an im keen as to here others storys as strangely they are very simular.
hey this is great, i had to sign up so i can tell you guys my second experiance so far, iv been experimenting with this mixture of herbal insense latley its meant to give you a nice mellow high but two times now i have suddenly found myself hillucinating and having OBE EXACTLY the same affects of DMT. The first time i had the experiance of traveling threw a cloudy vortex to a bright light were i felt a strange force pulling me up and a loud vibrating buzz earthquake equivilent, to me i think its what time travelling would be like to a different dimension, all around got louder and louder and bigger until bam! i felt like i had been propelled into space or A space(braking thru).. when you do "Brake Thru" you dont really realize whats going on cuz there is no "you" to realize whats going on, you are simply everything and nothing at the same time and that is an extremely life changing experiance. A few more things went on i felt like god was pulling me up to heaven and my dad (who isnt dead) was pulling me back to earth becuase it wasnt my time to die, The second time was just last night but was suuuper unexpected, i had an alien encounter, as crazy as it sounds i opened a can of soft drink and a mechanical like bug/alien entered my body viar my neck and tried to take over my body, immediate reaction was to grab the bug in my fingers threw my skin and hold it there so it couldnt travel anywere else(i was actually holding onto my adams apple) i new straight away somehow that it was an alien and started explaining out aloud what/who i was and im here to be friends and explained how amazing it was to have this encounter, i never actually heard anyone speek but new they were defiantly listening to what i had to say as i could sense there calm state telepathically, as i was holding the bug it was giving of this strange buzz like vibrating i felt when i ran my fingers over it they kind of slid along like to magnets touching opposite ends repelling my fingers, i felt at peace with the creature as he understood me and felt somewhat bad for invading my body as i told him it was a quite scary experiance for a human and asked could he not take over my body for to long hahah, i then let go off the bug/my neck and layed down on the floor for a few mins while i let the bug scan my brain or something, it was gaining info about us, i went into a frozen like state an felt buzzing all through my body an started to black out as the bug left my body threw my foot i recall, apparently there are 3 types of experiances you will have with DMT 1.Travelling, 2. an alien like encounter or someone who is not from earth and im yet to have the 3rd an thats a personal experiance. My advice to people experimenting with dmt is get ready to be taken somewere you never could imagine existing in your teeny tiny brain ever! the 5th dimention, 4th is space, so your beyond space... My experiances havnt actually been as fun as they may sound as i was not taking pure dmt and especailly the first time WAS NOT expecting to suddenly go into this state atall. Last night i had one medium sized bong hit of this herbal insense stuff chilled out was sweet, bout half hour later had anouther but was scraping low so i sprinkled some of the fines ontop of the cone got up had a feed and was chillin out youtubin vids this would be 20mins after atleast, i was sitting on my bed when i cracked open the can of drink took one sip and suddenly got attacked by the alien, was very intense an scary. and hours after i still thought the bug was in me and that it could of been real i contemplated cutting it out myself... that could of ended badly. even the next day i was questioning it as i asked the alien to leave evidense and i had it drummed in my head it left the bug in me for doctors to find.. It has been making me think i was semi crazy until i read up on DMT. haha
im semi keen for anouther dmt trip, the only bad/hard thing is tryin to really enjoy the whole experiance because as soon as you fully enter this mutated mind state you forget anything an everything to do with anything.. if that makes sense... haha, you dont no anything but that moment, your sort of being controlled but not.. way to hard to explain.. but ye you forget smoking it so you dont no why its happening which tends to make someone abit pannicky. but i think its not made to be all fun its just all an experience, the good and bad parts are part of the whole trip, thats the package you bought into.

If you read all this cheers ay, means alot, an im keen as to here others storys as strangely they are very simular.

Holy shit! I have never had a dmt experience like that, nor do I want too... Scary that you got that from some random herbal incense and don't know what you consumed.
Holy shit! I have never had a dmt experience like that, nor do I want too... Scary that you got that from some random herbal incense and don't know what you consumed.

Really? i thought thats what dmt is meant to be like? but fuck was hectic as! And ye it is nuts that it happened from this insense shit.. after it happened i researched the crap outta it and theres a types of bark from a plant that are in it that gets used in making dmt i think.. also other synthetic substances they dont list tho, im thinkin that the synthetic parts were to blame for these two trips iv had..
With what iv read the dmt trip always starts with buzzy vibrations threw the body an this is defiantly how mine have started, its abit freaky as they come an go, like its calling you, trying to pull you into its world, then it gets louder an bigger an more frequent until its got you, and your under its contol.. haha that even gave me goosebumps.

Its crazy that they sell it at my local deli under the counter.. the first time when i thought i was going to heaven it was off a type of potpourii also being sold to smoke at this deli, iv read up heaps on potpourri an heaps of people are havin bad times on it an heaps of my mates have thought they were dying, going insane or did die ect, iv also had times were its made me feel like this, i think when you hit it a little harder is when it really messes with ya head.

One thing i dont think i did mention was when these events happened i have never actually hillucinated or saw anything until i was fully broken thru(out of it/passed out), so when i thought that i had drank the alien and it had gone into my skin in my neck it was all in my head, like i didnt ever see any alien i remember looking at my neck in the mirror an was convinced i could see a lump there and thats because i could but they were just normal neck muscles or bones ect. it is pretty bad, it wasnt fun, its still not even really funny now, it more just amazes me at what i thought was going on an how real an convincing everthing was.. like a real life movie, And the time it takes to get ya head around it.

Im not smokin anymore of this shite, but if i ever come across pure dmt i am just a little intreagued.. i just want to try an make something of it tho, i think if you could gain control and not get attacked by aliens lol and had more time there you could explore a crazy place in your mind that may or may not be a very potentially real place far far away, i have a feeling it could answer many un answered questions.. or show us into the future.. some crazy smack like that.
Can be a hit and miss thing sometimes when you don't get enough MAOI in, and the amount needed varies greatly from person to person.