

Well-Known Member
That's true. We can and do transcend our physical bodies..we are trapped inside these glorious energy capsules..vessels.. But not entirely.. Built to explore, create and destroy, we are a divine yet parasitic living duality


Well-Known Member
take enough acid,and its a long strange journey to a long strange place,with an extended stay.
Did you "leave your body" or go within.. And did time seem foreign.. Like a day there was a minute here? I've "become consciousness" before on envies.. Floating throughout the room.. But I never knew I could "go anywhere" .. Next time I will be ready. I see it as an opportunity to astral travel consciously .. Like a lucid dream but not while 'sleeping'


Well-Known Member
Sure as hell wasn't on the couch anymore. Bright lights, colors, patterns, whining noise, and then beep boop bop whop like you're inside a pinball machine. Next thing I know I'm some were familiar and shits going on. Different every time. What happens is hard to remember like a dream. On time I was hanging out with a couple that reminded me of the adams family guy and lady only they were south american or maybe caribbean. Another time I'm in a place with a structure of some sort. I've been places that I knew in real life but had been changed.

I think you're basically thrown into a dream state in 60 seconds. It happens fast enough that your ego is somewhat intact, at least at the start. I've had times where I came back and knew who everyone in the room was but had no clue who I was. Other times nothing but colors and patterns. Since it happens so fast a lot of your current mental state can go in with it and fuck things up if you're feeling off.

I broke through once on a glass pipe and that was with harmaline after a failed pharm attempt. Every other time involved a vaporizer and big bag which worked like clockwork. I have my doubts as to whether people can actually break through with a regular pipe.

We're not trapped in bodies because there is no body. You are consciousness and only consciousness.


Well-Known Member
Sure as hell wasn't on the couch anymore. Bright lights, colors, patterns, whining noise, and then beep boop bop whop like you're inside a pinball machine. Next thing I know I'm some were familiar and shits going on. Different every time. What happens is hard to remember like a dream. On time I was hanging out with a couple that reminded me of the adams family guy and lady only they were south american or maybe caribbean. Another time I'm in a place with a structure of some sort. I've been places that I knew in real life but had been changed.
Very interesting. Do you think its possible you actually were inside one? Consciously experiencing it maybe at a Fatboy joint somewhere you've been? Thats a trip

I think you're basically thrown into a dream state in 60 seconds. It happens fast enough that your ego is somewhat intact, at least at the start. I've had times where I came back and knew who everyone in the room was but had no clue who I was.

So you had a j'amais Vu with your whole identity but not with others you knew..Incredible. Once i was in my own vehicle and had no idea it was mine. It was so foreign i called my friend to come get me out of it, even though it was only one house away, in fear I would be arrested for stealing it. the patterns were so sharp and clear, i noticed so many things i had never seen haha

broke through once on a glass pipe and that was with harmaline after a failed pharm attempt. Every other time involved a vaporizer and big bag which worked like clockwork. I have my doubts as to whether people can actually break through with a regular pipe.
Yeah, I agree with a pipe, its not really feasible. whats harmaline though?

We're not trapped in bodies because there is no body. You are consciousness and only consciousness.
So our "bodies" are just figments of our … powerful consciousness, expressions of a higher energy? They don't really exist because nothing really exists, its just consciousness at different vibrations and frequencies? Meaning "solid reality" .. Everything.. is bendable? Timespace.. an illusion? Every meditation.. a potential portal.. every dream, its own reality?
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Well-Known Member
Think of consciousness as the program which runs in the computer. Without it the computer is worthless. Without the computer, the program can't exist. You can touch the computer, you can take it apart, you can look at the components, but that tells you nothing about the program running in it. The program exists as a continually changing set of states of electrons within the machine. The program essentially has no physical existence, it is a logical construct created out of a programmers mind. Computers work based on physics, how electrons travel etc. The program works based on logic, not the physical world. The program, like consciousness, has no physical weight, no mass, it is in this world but not of it.

Harmaline is a MAO inhibitor which is eaten to prevent DMT from breaking down in the stomache. When smoking it tends to prolong the experience and make it stronger.

Your world is a model, created by the inputs you have received over a lifetime and the assumptions you have made. Some, perhaps many of those assumptions were wrong. Change the model, you change your world.

The matter in your coffee table has enough energy in it to blow a crater 5 miles wide. Yet it sits there, normally looking boring. You take some drugs, now the table undulates and seethes with crystalline energy. Which scenario is more likely to be reality?


Well-Known Member
why kind of dealer sells this kind of shit anyways lol
real smart ones. real crazy ones. experienced older ones mayyybe. and wild informed younger ones no doubt. basically the extremists would, imo. at this festival my guess is that only about 10 of them had it (out of hundreds dealerz)

but if you can get some, try it.

and if you can't, find a way. and try it

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
real smart ones. real crazy ones. experienced older ones mayyybe. and wild informed younger ones no doubt. basically the extremists would, imo. at this festival my guess is that only about 10 of them had it (out of hundreds dealerz)

but if you can get some, try it.

and if you can't, find a way. and try it
lol i can't find any acid around here i doubt i can get dmt or find anybody what even heard of it


Well-Known Member
You would think tripping so hard would be difficult. The experience is very sedating. When you start coming on there is a strong feeling of familiarity which helps you not to freak out.

I suspect few people freak out on DMT. Not the kind of thing that makes you jump out the nearest window


Well-Known Member
You would think tripping so hard would be difficult. The experience is very sedating. When you start coming on there is a strong feeling of familiarity which helps you not to freak out.

I suspect few people freak out on DMT. Not the kind of thing that makes you jump out the nearest window
No, that would be Salvia!!

"I gotta get out of this house, THRU THE NEAREST CUPBOARD!!"

Above is a true story. Salvia was apparently used by mexican jails, back in the old day, to induce Pyscho-trauma via near death experiences in the non-aware and therefore fear stricken "criminals". It can be incredible form of torture this way..

*Interestingly, it was Also used to give insight and preparatory astral experiences to the higher class leaders and royalty, etc. To prepare them for ascension in the next realm.. Consciousness faces a test upon death, your vibration and awareness, perhaps as well as your karma and intent, all create a complex reaction, and ultimately determines the outcome.. and your next path, be it reincarnation or ascension
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Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
my best chance of trying psychedelics is looking for liberty caps on fields or wait till my friends friend grows more mexicanna