DNA - Recon!!?


Well-Known Member
Sooo puffin on number pheno 2 out of 4 at the moment... number 1 was a fail with bananners at 6 weeks, probably my fault. i always leave doors open, i swear to god i even left a flash light laying on a shelf once pointing right at em....

ANYWAY! number 2 is pretty fuckin good. number one had 0 flavor but I'm sure that was more about the 6 weeks then the pheno. this one got a good full 8 in and is pretty tasty. very very reminiscent of LA but with a taste of some OG almost. orangy pine background to a normal LA front. very decent smoke.

Pheno number 3 looks to be the winner so far. she's got some time left to dry yet. Big ole monster LA goodness. just funkie OG la affie goodness.

they all grew about the same. no leaf or height variation at all. anyone ever grown LA? kinda slow in veg and I've found that a smaller pots works well for LA crosses cause they will stack very very dense if they get a couple weeks root bound before you throw them in flower. they don't mind the root binding so much.

seems to be a pretty heavy eater too. the first 3 had some issues early in flower with my water at my new house. i just put number 4 in a couple weeks ago and she's looking much more photogenic. il get some pics as she gets prettier.

anyone else had the honor of running this bad devil?


Well-Known Member
it might end up palm tree style. i took off the first layer of fan leaves to open her up. they get huge and will hog all the light if you let em.