Do bloom boosters make your bud taste like shit?

i only used a bloom booster (koolbloom) on one grow. I had huge colas that produced my largest harvest ever. The buds all tasted like total shit. When a bowl was smoked it crackled, popped, and burned to a hard charcoal like ash that scorched the lungs. I truly hated smoking it. I also failed to perform any flush.

Are bloom boosters just a bad idea in general when it comes to flavor? I don't care if I get more weight if all I'm smoking is buds full of phosphorous and potassium that taste like shit and scorch my lungs.

I'm at week 5 of flower and am considering adding a bloom booster in moderation and completing a 10 day flush. I'm also considering not adding a bloom booster at all.
well if u flip that bloom booster over and read the faq im pretty sure it says flush for 1-2 weeks its just dick heads on here that say u dont flush like everywere eles people do lol
well if u flip that bloom booster over and read the faq im pretty sure it says flush for 1-2 weeks its just dick heads on here that say u dont flush like everywere eles people do lol
nutes contain salts bloom boosters more you been to a dutch master factory and seen the shit made ? look on the inside the vats were its made um salt build up why u flush same shit happens to the plants i once read something on here bout not flushing and curing thought id give it a go worst tasting buds ever like wtf is wrong with people back flushing back to nice weed peace
nutes contain salts bloom boosters more you been to a dutch master factory and seen the shit made ? look on the inside the vats were its made um salt build up why u flush same shit happens to the plants i once read something on here bout not flushing and curing thought id give it a go worst tasting buds ever like wtf is wrong with people back flushing back to nice weed peace
gotta remember half these pricks here are like 16 living in there mums basement thinking they grow crops when its 2 plants lol
gotta remember half these pricks here are like 16 living in there mums basement thinking they grow crops when its 2 plants lol
read 2 pages of high times watch 2 vid on youtube and there back here with advice and pro cannabis growers lol
gotta remember half these pricks here are like 16 living in there mums basement thinking they grow crops when its 2 plants lol

I'm not 16. I've been growing for decades. I don't flush. My weed is great.

I've been growing plants for decades. All kinds. Flushing does not remove salts from plants.

Answer this question. When you flush and the plant takes in all this water that is supposed to flush stuff out of the plant where does that stuff go?

Plants do not take up salts the way you make it seem.

I'm not even going to bother getting in to the science of nutrient uptake. Not worth the time.

Flush away.

well if u flip that bloom booster over and read the faq im pretty sure it says flush for 1-2 weeks its just dick heads on here that say u dont flush like everywere eles people do lol

And who cares what some marketing/nutrient company says anyway? They exist to take money from gullible cannabis growers that have no problem paying $20 for a bottle water with a few pennies worth of MKP because it has a fancy label and cool name. Cannabis specific nutrient companies are the last place I would get growing advice from. They want to sell you more products. That's what they do and that's how they stay in business. I put them in the same category as a sleazy used car dealership.
And another thing. Most cannabis specific nutrients have you feeding way more than the plant actually needs. I don't know what's going on but I see all these pictures of over-nuted plants with crispy yellow/purple leaves that are obviously over fertilized and people make comments like "Nice looking plants" when the plants look like crap. It's like some people don't know what a healthy plant looks like. Half the plant pictures I see on this sight and others are over fertilized. No amount of flushing is going to fix a plant that was grown it's entire life being over fertilized. I can harvest a healthy fully ripened plant with healthy green leaves. Crispy yellow leaves at harvest is not what you want yet people call it the "Fade". You don't need any fade. Starving your plants at the end to get yellow leaves makes no sense.
And another thing. Most cannabis specific nutrients have you feeding way more than the plant actually needs. I don't know what's going on but I see all these pictures of over-nuted plants with crispy yellow/purple leaves that are obviously over fertilized and people make comments like "Nice looking plants" when the plants look like crap. It's like some people don't know what a healthy plant looks like. Half the plant pictures I see on this sight and others are over fertilized. No amount of flushing is going to fix a plant that was grown it's entire life being over fertilized. I can harvest a healthy fully ripened plant with healthy green leaves. Crispy yellow leaves at harvest is not what you want yet people call it the "Fade". You don't need any fade. Starving your plants at the end to get yellow leaves makes no sense.

I recently was reading a test grow post on this site. The grower regularly talks a real big game, but has a room full of deficient plants and issues. I always think the same thing when people praise his plants and grows.

Don't get me wrong, my plants get issues some times. I wouldn't want you guys to blow smoke up my ass as say they still look nice. I thought the point of this was to identify issues with our grows and improve them. Not just to pat each other on the back.
Best is not to feed the plant anything you don't want it hanging on to.
Cannabis has a nasty love for heavy metals and will soak that shit right up..

Twenty years or so ago I grew a couple tomatoes in a raised bed. Using what was basically stoner science I figured more had to be better. I mixed an entire bag of chicken manure into the soil. The plant grew great. They were giants. The only problem was all I had was big plants and no tomatoes. The few tomatoes I did get were garbage. Thick tough skin and the tomatoes tasted like crap. same thing applies to using too much stuff on cannabis. Cannabis is just a plant. It's not special. It grows just like other plants do. Over feed it and the end result won't be as good as just feeding it what it actually needs.

It's amazing that people have been growing cannabis for thousands of years without the need for shiny bottles and bloom boosters.
I recently was reading a test grow post on this site. The grower regularly talks a real big game, but has a room full of deficient plants and issues. I always think the same thing when people praise his plants and grows.

Don't get me wrong, my plants get issues some times. I wouldn't want you guys to blow smoke up my ass as say they still look nice. I thought the point of this was to identify issues with our grows and improve them. Not just to pat each other on the back.

I always tempted to say "Those plants look like crap!" when others are chiming in about how great some plant with crispy dried up leaves looks. But I just let them have their moment. I'm not here to argue or make enemies. I enjoy seeing what others are doing and sharing what I'm doing. I do get involved in a tiff here and there but for the most part I just want to get along with everyone. In the end all that really matters to me is the end result from my grows.
I always tempted to say "Those plants look like crap!" when others are chiming in about how great some plant with crispy dried up leaves looks. But I just let them have their moment. I'm not here to argue or make enemies. I enjoy seeing what others are doing and sharing what I'm doing. I do get involved in a tiff here and there but for the most part I just want to get along with everyone. In the end all that really matters to me is the end result from my grows.

Yep thats my same philosophy :).
well if u flip that bloom booster over and read the faq im pretty sure it says flush for 1-2 weeks its just dick heads on here that say u dont flush like everywere eles people do lol
It'll also says you need 23 bottles of bullshit that needs to be fed 4x stronger than any plant on earth needs. Not to worry though they also have special plant enema flushing sauce, but you have act know supplies are limited.
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Dream job for me is to kick every vegan in the nuts. It's not very rational but neither is denying plants are living things. Step forward madam.
i agree but if you use synthetic nutrients in soil you must flush at the end. That’s the point I was making and was laughed at.

Because there is no NEED to flush "synthetic nutrients" from your soil...... It is the science of the plant here. You can not "flush" or remove nutrients from the plant by any type of flushing..

It's all in the dry and cure.....

I got asked about this in a PM by a member after seeing the disaster another thread became. He asked where to find books and papers on "flushing" and said he might try the "fade".

Here's my answer to him......I felt it needs to be seen,,,,,,again!

Your looking for post grad work. You would do better to search papers......The thing is, NOTHING in agriculture gets 'flushed" and that leads to little to no research in the area. You see, the thing is, the whole "idea" of "flushing is nonsense! Plants don't work that way! They do not take up nutrients or salts as most of you think of them! They do not "store" them in the sense you think of them! Not only that, but the nutritional "stores" in a plant are not in buds or budding or flowers! NO amount of "flushing" will "exchange" plant "stored" nutrition back "out" of the plant! Scientifically impossible by the way most of you guys understand......Ok, that's my word on "flushing". (No one listens to this in threads if they don't want to hear it or accept it.)

Now then, you propose the "FADE TO FINISH" method. Great idea in theory but, and this IS a BIG BUT! Remember when I said above that "the nutritional "stores" in a plant are not in buds or budding or flowers!" ? This shoots that theory in the ass right away. You see the main amount of stored nutrition is in either the roots and the rest in leaves and some in small amounts in transit in the phloam (the sap that actually moves the nutrients around the plant)......

Now when you "starve a plant" it will draw from it's self by actually breaking down the needed parts of it's self to do an "emergency" attempt to reproduce! (This can happen in certain plants even in veg! A kind of last ditch effort to continue the species.)

With that in mind you take the fact that the plant is not "moving" nutrients "out" of buds, but into them to speed growth and as fast as it can - "reproduce". This single minded process the plant now puts it's self on causes the plant to stress it's self. This self induced stress can, in many cases if done long enough, lead the plant to go bisexual, and produce "banana's" in a last ditch effort to reproduce and "carry on the line" and produce seeds...

Basically put, In reality you are moving nutrients that you're "attempting" to get rid of,,right to where your trying to remove them from! You are also stressing the plant in the way for "Herming" to actually happen easier!

I and many others that have tried to convey this actual plant science, are called everything you can think of and those 'impossible of understanding these facts", fight so hard against us that many of us have simply chosen to avoid the issue or don't fight to hard.

Anyway, there you are in as short and sweet and as simple/understandable as I can...

The thing is you have to understand Botany and Horticulture (and there are LOTS of subsections to those that are involved here) to truly put together the pieces of the puzzle to get your head wrapped around the idea that flushing and the "fade" don't work for what they are intended or alleged to actually do!

There you go Mods, nice, polite and to the point. (Sorry about the other thread Sunni)

There you go, Now have at it!
I'm stepping back to watch the circus.

Read this too!
In my world , flushing causes defs. period.
with that said , you have to know what flushing actually does to recommend it or not.
Im with anc , i worked hard for decades to get my head big.

Then you have rob333 and his idea's on flushing.......Head so far up his ass, he farts and his nose whistles.
Haha! He farts and his nose whistles because His head is so far up his ass!! That is hysterical. I never heard that one before.

There is some interesting weed nerd weird stuff in this thread. I like to flush to see my PPMs drop down . I really like
My ppm
Meter. Totally agree with you, xtsho, that the nutrient companys are in the same category as sleezy used salesmen. I got a real wake up call from Aurora nute company growing the current plant I have . What a bullshit Players Pack. They supply you with 8 bottles of liquid nutes and 5 packs of dry nutes and a feeding chart that includes a nutrient they don’t supply in the pack. After over feeding I flushed best I could and started getting a phosphorus deficiency. I looked through all the nutrients they supplies and many of them had nearly all the same levels and ingredients. Thankfully one of the dry sample packs of bloom powder had the highest amount of phosphorus so I started feeding her the dry powder. She really just loved it and my ph bounced up and she is looking much better. They supply you with everything you might need to fix how they fuck you up. It’s unbelievable!!
The nutrient company’s and their trendy bullshit slick glossy seductive advertising bottles are in the same bullshit league as the hipster IPA beer canned slick logo overpriced garbage on the shelves.
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