Do fans have to be oscillating?


Active Member
Im having space issues in my grow tent and I could free up a ton of space if I could just use several low powered clip on fans that dont oscilate instead of my large oscillating fan. I found some small oscillating fans online but they are $25 each shipped, whereas the little ones that dont oscilate are $7 and at my local store.


Well-Known Member
You said they were just little fans, no? I've heard of wind burn too, but I think you'd have to push a lot of wind to burn one. I would imagine too much wind would make the plants lose water too quickly, but... I don't think the chances of that are great...

Why don't you just 'not' point the fan directly at the plant if you are really concerned with wind burn... I've never had an oscillating fan... but I don't point my fan directly at my plants either... I point them over the tops of the plants and just below the light... also have another one in the corner pointing at the wall.