do i have enough lighting for my plants?


right i have a 125w blue spec cfl & a 150w hps, i'm growing 4 plants, my white widow has been growing for nearly a month now on 18/6 hrs, and the other 3 have only just sprouted, it seems as if theres nowhere near enough light for all of them the 3 sprouts are a lot thinner and weaker than my white widow was at the same stage, i was wondering how many more lights i'd have to buy to get a decent 25-30g's of bud off each plant? cheers


The 18/6 thing, needs to change to a 24/7 thing for one, if these plants are vegging anyways, but then again i don't know what stage they are in by you just referencing a month of growth. It really comes down the the space and how close everyone is to each other.

You really want to make sure you have 150w per 2x2 foot space. If all your plants fit in this space,it should be ok, but I am sure once you get to the end of veg phase, they will outgrow this space.

The spectrum thing you have going on with 1 CFL and 1 150W HPS, I can't really say works all that great, I have been down this path and came to the conclusion that I was just wasting time and money, stop farting around, if you are gonna grow,etiher snag another 150w or be real and buy a switchable 400wMH/HPS ballast or better- go with a 400w metal halid for your Vegging phase- full 24 hour light, then switch to a 400w hps for your flowering 12 hours light 12 hours dark.

With that setup you will really only spend an extra $150 bucks on top of what you already spent on that 150w built in ballast system. (around $300 bucks for the setup)- this makes a huge difference in the size and quality of plant
But if you are already in it for a little over a hundred, which it sounds like you are, pick up another 150w HPS (roughly- $70) and put it right next to this one, it'll make things much better.

i just got done with 1 Sour Diesel under a 150w HPS- it was very good but it could have been much fuller- to give you an idea- it looked like the charlie brown christmas tree...:neutral:
Here's a link to my grow journal-

Pictures also help us trying know exactly what stage your babies are in, post some! :hump: and good luck bro!


thanks for the advice!
3 of my female's are now a week into the 12/12 flowering stage and all fairly tall and bushy, there only under my 150w hps but seem to be starting to flower nicely, i would like to put another 150 with them but there is limited space to fit it in :( ,
i'll try and put some pics up to show you how it's going, i've read up on pretty much everything about growing indoors but as i live on a small island it's difficult to find the right nutrients for flowering + also there is nowhere over here that stocks growlights so i have to get them off ebay which is a risk because customs could get suspicious of what i'm doing.


Well-Known Member
U could try using some 23w Warm White CFLS 2700k for side and under lighting if U can't get another light right now, they are readily available at most stores pretty cheap...



here are my females 1 week into flowering under 150w hps, the biggest plant is my white widow which vegged for 2 weeks longer than the others hence why it's larger, the plant under the white light is still in vegging and was fimmed yesterday. advice welcome :)

