Do I spy a pre-flower?


Well-Known Member
Do you see any oval looking tear drop looking "pistils" near the shoots with 2 white hairs coming out of it? That will determine your sex of the plant. To me, its looking like its just starting to show signs of the sex. Do you have any other pics you can upload to show what it is that you are questioning about?

Mo(no e)

My phone's camera isn't the best, so this is apparently the best I can do. I think this is the only spot I see anyhing questionable. Everything else just looks like new growth.



Well-Known Member
Ok. Well from the looks of it, its working on showing signs now. There should be a few more shoots that pop up in the new growth that should also get those pistils. Some are deceiving and you have to make sure there are 2 tiny white hairs that come out of it. How old is that plant and is it a bag seed?


Well-Known Member
I see a little silhouette of a man............................
Scaramouch, Scaramouch
will you do the Fandango?'ll show without electron microscope inspection...............
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Mo(no e)

Yeah, old bag seed. I was saving them (at a time when two others and myself were getting a reg zip a week)a couple of years ago with the intent to turn it into a topical lotion/ointment for diabetec neuralgia patients, so not only is it not of good quality, the seed could have been somewhere between one and three years old. And wednesday will be two and a half months from germination.


Well-Known Member
ok. Well if you can just wait it out, just watch those every day as best you can cause it looks to me that you should be seeing something soon, probably within the next 2-3 days. Males can be tricky to point out in the beginning because that can have that look to them of a female and 2 days later you see pollen shoots on the nodes (shoots area). If you do see something other than that tear drop looking pistil growing in that same area, it will be a male and it will grow very rapid.