Do my seedlings need light and warmth?


Active Member
I've germinated my seeds in wet paper towels until the little, white root appeared. Then I planted each one in some soil. Does it need any light at this point? I'm assuming it doesn't require any light until it sprouts out of the soil, right?

Also, before the seedlings sprout out of the soil, is it important to keep it warm (above 70 degrees)? Or is it OK to have it in temperatures down to about 55 or so?



Well-Known Member
Your right, you dont need light until the seedling has sprouted and the leaves are visable. And you shouldnt let it get too cold, if you could you should keep them warm normal warmth tho not too warm, just like room temperature mb warmer, you should have a light for them if your growing indoors that produces heat and have a fan on the seedlings IMO.


Well-Known Member
you might as well have a lamp on at this point, as it will likely pop through the soil when you're not around, and that is how it will feed itself as soon as it's got those greens above the surface.

warmth is good at this point. 55 is not good - this is supposedly low enough to inhibit growth, though I've never bothered to try that experiment. Around 75 is great.


Active Member
Ah ok, thanks! BTW, I thought I read that marijuana can grow in temperatures between mid-50's to high 70's? Does this only apply once it's sprouted?


Well-Known Member
The activation of enzymes that encourages growth is inhibited by cold temperatures. Its important to keep it above 70. I started using a germinating heating pad and wow what a difference a little heat makes.