Do plants only flower at bud sites or is it early herm?


Active Member
Right, so forgive my ignorance but im about 2 weeks into flower and one of the prefowers now has a flower growing below, at the node not at a budsite. Literally in the same location of the preflower.

It isnt balls or narners and it has 2 tiny hairs on it, barley visible so i'm not too worried but i read somwhere that female plants dont flower in the same places as the preflower where males do and since i'm using fem seeds i thought it prudent to check with you guys for clarification.

To be more detailed, it looks a little like the flower at the top of the plant but growing on the main stem of the plant.

Any thoughts, sorry no pics as cam phone not clear enough.


Well-Known Member
Your doin' fine young man. Look at some pictures of budding plants. Thats the beauty of it - buds will grow all up N down the plant. GL


Active Member
cool, looks more and more like a bud everyday tbh, lookin hairy now. thanks for the advice but will keep an eye on it anyway.