Do Temps Really Matter for Growing MJ?



Just wanted to ask people that know for sure - how important is the temps for growing MJ?
I read alot that you must keep the temps within a certain range in order to have optimal grow.
But, I know that MJ that grows around the world outdoors is exposed to all kind of temp...

There are countries with a VERY hot climate that MJ grows amazingly outdoors, places that the temps are well above 30-35 C during spring and summer.
Foe example, on my recent visit to Samui Tailand, I saw fields of MJ growing wild in the jungles, I sampled their buds right from the plant with a quick dry and it was fucking amazing (even bring with me some seeds - and will try to grow them indoors).

The temps their are almost all the time over 35 C.
How this come along with much lower temp recommended by most of the people for growing MJ?
I read all the theory that it hurts the photosyntesis process and so on....
But when you see these plants flower in the wild in this hot climate it makes you wonder why you need to keep temps low when growing indoor?

Is there any real test that was done to compare two identical grows - same strain, soil, nuts, light etc... with the only difference is the temps?

I will much appreciate answers, preferably that are based on facty and not on fiction...

Real comparison would be great.

The cold would really affect the plants while the lights are off, i would think. Any prolonged temp lower than 1º would definitely kill the plant.


Well-Known Member
The cold would really affect the plants while the lights are off, i would think. Any prolonged temp lower than 1º would definitely kill the plant.
what? im confused by what you mean.

anyway back to the main topic- If you have real good ventilation or adding c02 mid 90's shouldnt be a problem, ive been hitting between 90-95f with lights on for a while now that its warming up outside. my plants take it fine. if i go over 95f i start to see heat stress though. alot of people i talk to say anything over 90f will burn their plants. which i totally believe because before i added more ventilation i had the same problem. Also, some strains do better with high heat than others. Growing inside and growing outside are 2 very different things btw.


Well.... freezing a plant will kill it - I think this make sense and well known...
I am interested to know about the other side of the scale.... the high temps...

Anyone with a solid proof or better yet - side by side test grow?

I heard/read all the fiction around it...but since I saw amazing MJ flowering into massive buds with no special treatment...just out in the jungle, under a BURNING sun with temps of over 35C all day long and even in some parts of night....and hummidity of 70-80% most of the time....It just blows all the stuff I have been reading here....

So I am looking for based answers on facts or actual grows (side by side comparison) or other solid answers.

Personally i did several indoor/outdoors grows myself. Never did a comparison cause I live in a hot climate enviorment.....
I had a grow during spring summer of 3 plants indoor, temps where above 30C most of the day somtimes even 35C, only at night they came to about 22-27C.
The grow went well.
I wanted to know if I would do the same in lower temps - will it be more successful?

If I will have a solid proof, I will consider for the next grow to put air-conditioning at day time especially in the grow room.
But if there is no solid proof for it - it is not worth the extra electricity bill...

Thanks again - looking forward for the experts answers...

And of course I know it is also depend on genetics - some strains came from colder climates and some from hotter ones. Still would like to know why there is some common belief to keep temps in a certain range???
the reason behind that "optimal range " of temps for cannabis plants, is its a generalization. of course some strains can stand way more extreme temps and the like and the opposite is also true. so this certain range is the most low stress on the plant . and seems to work well for 99 percent of growers. why take it to the extreme if you dont have to ? good luck


Active Member
man just dont go over the 95-100 becuase then ur killing the THC...ITS A WEED it will grow in almost any conditions...But like madmax said its just optimal to have the 78-80 degree room..but if u want to use CO2 then u can get away with high temps no prob esp if u have some kind of ventilation..But GL boss my room hits 84 and on really hot days and humid its been up around 95 and no signs of anything...


Active Member
my room has hit low 90's(normally 68-72) once or twice because my AC has issues with it's autocool function. My plants wilted a bit on the bottom branches but recovered without any further problems

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Temps are a huge factor in growth and yield.

Yu can lose grams of harvest by having to cold/hot temps. Anyhing under 60f will cause you nute lockout, and temps aabove 85 will cause slow or stopped growth, and yield gets hurt. Temps also play a part in your humidity, higher temps hold more humidity.

hope that helps


Active Member
Well.... freezing a plant will kill it - I think this make sense and well known...
I am interested to know about the other side of the scale.... the high temps...

Anyone with a solid proof or better yet - side by side test grow?

I heard/read all the fiction around it...but since I saw amazing MJ flowering into massive buds with no special treatment...just out in the jungle, under a BURNING sun with temps of over 35C all day long and even in some parts of night....and hummidity of 70-80% most of the time....It just blows all the stuff I have been reading here....

So I am looking for based answers on facts or actual grows (side by side comparison) or other solid answers.

Personally i did several indoor/outdoors grows myself. Never did a comparison cause I live in a hot climate enviorment.....
I had a grow during spring summer of 3 plants indoor, temps where above 30C most of the day somtimes even 35C, only at night they came to about 22-27C.
The grow went well.
I wanted to know if I would do the same in lower temps - will it be more successful?

If I will have a solid proof, I will consider for the next grow to put air-conditioning at day time especially in the grow room.
But if there is no solid proof for it - it is not worth the extra electricity bill...

Thanks again - looking forward for the experts answers...

And of course I know it is also depend on genetics - some strains came from colder climates and some from hotter ones. Still would like to know why there is some common belief to keep temps in a certain range???

Hi there i had the same question myself,i'm growing indoors and in the summer temps in my grow room get up to 38 c . and my plants sprouted but after 5-6 days they stoped growing and started to become yellow and like paper.i have a 400w hps in a
dr 60 with intake fan also an exaust one.the room was reach of co2. also the humidity was low, like 10-15% as it was summer and very hot in my grow room.aircondition was out of question due to electric bill.

so my answer to your question and after 2 lost crops is that even though in nature temperature is high up to 38c or even 40 some days, it is only for 5 or 6 hours a day,usually between 12 to 18:00 hrs. when you grow indoors you have 35 - 38 c for 18hrs straight during veg. so you cannot compare outside growing with indoor.i think the only solution during summer,when growing indoors is an airco. :( try to grow untill april or may enough weed ,so that you have to smoke untill september - october when temps drop.

i hope i hielped u


Active Member
Hi there i had the same question myself,i'm growing indoors and in the summer temps in my grow room get up to 38 c . and my plants sprouted but after 5-6 days they stoped growing and started to become yellow and like paper.i have a 400w hps in a
dr 60 with intake fan also an exaust one.the room was reach of co2. also the humidity was low, like 10-15% as it was summer and very hot in my grow room.aircondition was out of question due to electric bill.

so my answer to your question and after 2 lost crops is that even though in nature temperature is high up to 38c or even 40 some days, it is only for 5 or 6 hours a day,usually between 12 to 18:00 hrs. when you grow indoors you have 35 - 38 c for 18hrs straight during veg. so you cannot compare outside growing with indoor.i think the only solution during summer,when growing indoors is an airco. :( try to grow untill april or may enough weed ,so that you have to smoke untill september - october when temps drop.

i hope i hielped u

i ment rich of co2 :)


Temp's definitely matter, in a closed area if things get too warm your buds will start to stretch causing loose buds. You wont get those nice dense cola's/nugs you are looking for. I think the reason some plants do so well outside in that blistering heat where it grows naturally is because it generally has plenty of airflow and light intensity (being outside and all).
I know high temps indoors are definitely a factor in creating fluffy buds because i had this problem forever until i recently moved my location ( Still definitely dialing everything in since i moved ) where the temp with the light on is anywhere from 78-82 F. As for cold temperatures.. i never get below 65 when the lights are off, i haven't really noticed a difference where i could definitively say nute lock out is happening or that they are being stunted in my situation.


Active Member
MJ is a weed and will grow under harsh conditions! That being said We grow indoor to minimize stress and maximize yeild and product. The less stress the better and more product in the end. Some strains can handle colder temps some Like it hotter. The goal is to get the most out of your plants and for most strains that between 70-80 without CO2 enrichment.