do these buds look normal??


Well-Known Member
hi, im about 4 weeks into flowering my ww clones and today when i looked some of the buds seem to look a little wierd,im no expert but it looks like they might be making seeds? i really hope not but id like u guys to give me ur opinion :)
check the pics(took on cam fone so not too clever.


buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
the first pic looks like your growing seeds,and the second looks heat streesed or over watered,they look like your gonna get some stash though


Well-Known Member
the first pic looks like your growing seeds,and the second looks heat streesed or over watered,they look like your gonna get some stash though

its my second grow, these 3 plants were clones off my last female so i dont know how this has happened? most of it is just on 1 plant but it does seemed to have spread to another.
should i just chop off any buds wot have seeds visible on them?
i cant believe this shit is happening :(


Well-Known Member
too far along to matter now....dont chop shit off unless u wanna decrease your yeild......if you get seeds...looks like u have some...then plant hermied prolly.....shit happens!


Well-Known Member
don tchop the buds just let them grow out,then remove seeds

ok i suppose ill just have to wait n see wot the damage is in another 4 weeks, they never been overwatered coz its an nft system but ive just moved the light up a bit coz its 600watt so ur right it might be stressin em.
ive got my fingers crossed:-?


Well-Known Member
ok heres a couple more pics, i just chopped a branch off so i could get a better pic but not much better. the buds seemed to be swelled up and sum just look like a green shiney seed plus when i youch em they fall off really easy, any clues?



Well-Known Member
seeds fall out of the bud? you must have a hermied plant, or a male somehwere in the mix

no i mean the shiney green ones that look like seeds come off really easy if i move them, i squashed 1 and it just full of water?
these 3 plants were cuttings taken from my last female so god only knows wots happened. i might aswell just bin the other 4 clones i have vegging now as they where taken from these plants in the pics :(


Well-Known Member
what the hell is wrong with seeds anyway.
i've never paid for seeds, but there are those that pay a relatively dear price for 'em.
pot seeds are a GOOD thing.


Well-Known Member
what the hell is wrong with seeds anyway.
i've never paid for seeds, but there are those that pay a relatively dear price for 'em.
pot seeds are a GOOD thing.

yeah but ive heard that if the plant starts producing seeds it stops producing thc, i hope im wrong!
like u guys are sayin ill just have to sit it out n see wot happens.
fingers,toes,arms,legs crossed!


Active Member
what the hell is wrong with seeds anyway.
i've never paid for seeds, but there are those that pay a relatively dear price for 'em.
pot seeds are a GOOD thing.

Except when those seeds you made keep making hermie plants.
I payed the relatively dear price, and it's worth it to know that every lady comes from a strain that wiped clean the 03 cannabis cup.



Well-Known Member
Except when those seeds you made keep making hermie plants.
I payed the relatively dear price, and it's worth it to know that every lady comes from a strain that wiped clean the 03 cannabis cup.


ye id rather pay for fem seeds too, its a ballache sexing regular seeds.


Well-Known Member
if there is no seed in the pod and they are filled with resin(clear liquid) then that is normal.....the calyx will swell as if there was a seed in it but really its just full of thc.....prolly stressing over nuthin.....unless u see some male pods or find an actual seed you have nuthin to worry about......


Well-Known Member
if there is no seed in the pod and they are filled with resin(clear liquid) then that is normal.....the calyx will swell as if there was a seed in it but really its just full of thc.....prolly stressing over nuthin.....unless u see some male pods or find an actual seed you have nuthin to worry about......

i hope ur right man! although they do look like green seeds like undeveloped or something, there not on every bud so i might still stand a chance.
got some dp blueberry germinating now anyway so if all else fails ill have them to fall back on :)