Do they have a party cup contest for auto's ?


Well-Known Member
I'm down for a auto contest i just got in dinafem white widow, dinafem amnesia, world of seeds afghan kush ryder, world of seeds pakistan ryder, dna 60 day wonder, and pyramid super hash not sure which one or ones I will use just let me know im getting the itch to pop them lol but I def wanna go bigger then a party cup =]


Well-Known Member
Lets do this. I just got some more autos white cheese autos. Is the size of the cup the only limitation we have to get some set rules like weekly posts and pic updates ect.


Well-Known Member
I'm down for a auto contest i just got in dinafem white widow, dinafem amnesia, world of seeds afghan kush ryder, world of seeds pakistan ryder, dna 60 day wonder, and pyramid super hash not sure which one or ones I will use just let me know im getting the itch to pop them lol but I def wanna go bigger then a party cup =]
It would definitely be interesting to see how an AKR grows and yields in a party cup with and without added nutrients.


Well-Known Member
what would it be judged on ?
yield ?
bonsai shapes ?
and limitations to modified setup's ?
soil ? hydro?

need to figure out what size party cup


Well-Known Member
Heres a list of rules: (or atleast of what i would consider.)
1. Must be an Autoflower
2.Must be in a container no bigger then say like a party cup or 1liter pot?(lets all decide on size of pot.) Id say more like a 1 to 2L pot. a tiny party cup will be so tiny and require more attentiveness which some of us may not have?
3.May be grown in soil/coco/soil-less mixes only
4.May enter up to 3 Plants or Entry's.
If needed will add more rules,

As for updates. it could go something as this

First post should include how many entrys you are doing. no more then 3, The name of the strain or strains you are entering, The medium you are using along with the Nutrients, and basic environment IE, 600w hps T5HO 4 bulb ect.

Then all weekly posts after that could go as the day it is on the plant along with weekly pictures of each entry if doing 3 entrys then you can post all 3 in one post just make sure it is labeled for each of the pictures.

and at the end harvest post a pic before and afetr harvest and the final weigh in and at the end we can see who will win?


Well-Known Member
ok so messeged potroast on a auto-cup
and this was the reply
rollitup said:
tekdc911 said:
have a thread going in the autoflower section
and think there might be enough people to get something going
they have a led party cup
the idea went over well for having a auto only party cup


If you want to host a contest, that's fine as long as the details are approved by Rollitup. The main thing he is concerned about is any prizes to be awarded. So let me know, and I'll get it approved.



hey everyone,

i have been talking with potroast a little bit about this particular subject, i know tekdc has been to, i think we are going to actually pull this thing off, as of right now details are slim but here is what i do know, as of right now it should be apporved, im thinking of giving out prized such as : 25 dollar gift card from walmart or another store like it. maybe a bulb or something for you light, or something to do with that area, or we might do something else, im not sure yet, if anyone has any suggestions on what they would like to see awarded then feel free to chime in here, input is welcome, im hoping to get a few judges to judge the competition (maybe me and a few other mods, maybe tekdc i will have to talk to him about that) now we are trying to keep it laid back as in judges canus enter to but sort of just for fun (meaning judges will NOT win any prizes, only member participants will be eleigible, but, everyone is welcome to join in and at least play) thats about all i know right now, as i said before, as i talk to a few more people im hoping to be able to make this little shindig happen, i havet o have a few more things approved by rolli or potroast and then from there we just need to communicate with others interested to set up an organized structure to this so we have 1 nice big good AND fun competition, remember everyone, this isnt the canna cup 2013 its just a simple competition for bored moderators and members like me and you:) will report more soon, later