Do you consider yourself "addicted"?


Well-Known Member
yeah i been smokin since i was 12 im now 19 almost 20 i smoke everyday usualy 4grams avg but when i got alot sometimes i smoke up to 12 grams a day let alone if somone else has pitch.


Well-Known Member
I would say i'm addicted to being high.. just on pot though.. but I really don;t know.. I've had mood swings my whole life.. every good feeling is followed by a sudden down swing that leaves me wishing I could eat a bullet, or drink some jones-town kool-aid... smoking numbs it and often delay's the shifts..

Oh, and I been smoking since I was 12.. i'm 26 now.. I did take a break for a year cause of a girl.. that ended badly and became the reason I started again.. so.. now I figure why quit? There's too many benefits for me to quit..


Well-Known Member
everyday smoker for 12 years+ and always thought i was addicted. had to quit almost 3 months ago for work reasons and it was surprisingly easy. i'm definately alot less laid back then before. a little more on edge but i stopped cold turkey without an issue so i don't think i was addicted i just talked myself into thinking that i was.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
everyday smoker for 12 years+ and always thought i was addicted. had to quit almost 3 months ago for work reasons and it was surprisingly easy. i'm definately alot less laid back then before. a little more on edge but i stopped cold turkey without an issue so i don't think i was addicted i just talked myself into thinking that i was.

so u quit cuz u had to not cuz u wanted to???

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
all due respect ... i would never quit even if i had to... i always find away to beat the system ... but never had that problem.. thats why i play poker part time


Well-Known Member
I'm 21, been smoking since I was about 18. I don't consider myself addicted. I really dont smoke that much has it is. I usually only smoke a bowl or 2 at night when i've accomplished all im gonna get done for the day, cause I know once I smoke i'm not gonna do shit but listen to music, eat, watch a movie, play some video games, and goto sleep. I went without it for about 6 months a while ago cause I jsut kinda got out of it, but of course I came back. I will always come back. Its not that I can't quit, its more of a question of why would I want to?


Well-Known Member
all due respect ... i would never quit even if i had to... i always find away to beat the system ... but never had that problem.. thats why i play poker part time
yup thats an addiction. and the fact that you gamble shows an addictive personality. i don't think weed is addictive. i think certain people are just more likely to become addicted to anything. i'm addicted to the history chanel and lasagna. couldnt stop those even if i had a reason to. i, like you, just have an addictive personality.


Well-Known Member
All the people who responded and said, "Oh, im not addicted." What does the word addicted mean to YOU.

Like i've said before..I'm addicted to a lot of things and proud of it. Now say I took some hard drug (have never) and got "hooked" I would consider myself DEPENDENT on that.

Search google... The synonym for addiction is "i like" "I like alot" etc.

Great answers though everyone... I just had a debate with a friend who claimed they were not addicted to marijuana. Got him to accept the fact he wasnt dependent on it, just something he enjoyed doing a lot.

One last thing im going to mention is..people smoke for different reasons. If your smoking to "escape" something then maybe it is "negative"... But if your using it to "enhance" your state of mind (like me) then its "positive"..

Just my 2cents:joint:


Well-Known Member
I've smoked everyday for the last year this month. It all started when i met my girl. little did i know i was being introduced to TWO lovely ladies at once. I had smoked before, and had always been willing but just never had anybody to smoke with regularly until she came along. Well our 10 months is tomorrow, and i smoke every day with or without her. :leaf:

I've had alot of the same thoughts as you, wondering if smoking weed every day makes me somehow a less responsible individual. I'm a sophmore in college, 3.34 gpa and im expecting to raise that after this semester. But still, i get these thoughts. I love being high all the time, i smoke at least a gram a day on average. penis. But i also hate going to play basketball as i love to do and get short of breath MUCH sooner than i used to. I can feel a physical toll and it bothers me currently planning on investing in either a vape or a multi-perculator bong. I also have seen my memory decline alarmingly. But I'm making the grades, continuing as a fully functioning student with a job, and so i figure I'm ok with that.

addicted to me means that it's past you just wanting it, its a need. Everynow and then i force myself to go a day without, just to prove to myself that i can. I refuse to become dependent on a plant.
but as for addicted? I would just say i don't have any reason to quit.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
yup thats an addiction. and the fact that you gamble shows an addictive personality. i don't think weed is addictive. i think certain people are just more likely to become addicted to anything. i'm addicted to the history chanel and lasagna. couldnt stop those even if i had a reason to. i, like you, just have an addictive personality.

i dont gamble i play poker.... gambleling is playing craps and slots and shit like that i play hold'em ..... i dont lose what i dont put in the middle

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I'm not addicted at all but I'll never stop! I smoke like 3 times a month or more. I just smoke to stimulate my mind and let my imagination roam, I feel like I can analize life and almost understand its meaning... Try this everyone don't smoke for 10 days or more if you can then smoke a fattie :joint: you'll get way more stoned than your getting now.:eyesmoke:

try it you'll thank me


Well-Known Member
i dont gamble i play poker.... gambleling is playing craps and slots and shit like that i play hold'em ..... i dont lose what i dont put in the middle
I play too man, and I really hate when people say its gambling.
If poker was as easy as pulling a bar (slots) then we would all be rich.

I play nl Hold em...Full Tilt baby:hump: