Do you have guard dog's?


Well-Known Member
Just sitting here figured thinking, Not long ago I had a buddy come over for a lid. And Not even thinking I just got really paranoid I said here go in here and I shoved him off in one of my bedrooms because I don't want him to see shit laying around that pertains to the "op". I start to go and get the shit in the other room I get 10-15 feet away in the next room I hear a dog just tearing ass......The room I shoved him off in to had a Red Nose pit sitting in there that had no clue who he was.....I was sitting here thinking about it and was wondering if anyone has had a similar instance or if they have guard dog's...

Just took that pic cam went dead as shit...



Well-Known Member
I don't do guard dogs. Too many lawsuits. Hate to say it bro but if you put me in a room and a dog started barkin at me you'd be dealin with getting rid of a dead dog. I wouldn't take any chances.


Well-Known Member
haha little weiner dog....those dog's are the shit hands down!

lmao good luck with just your fist homes.....she is a man killa


Well-Known Member
If you got a wiener dog then no big deal. I'll just step on it and hold it there. But if you put me in a room with a mean ass pit I'll beat the shit out of it with anything I can get my hands on till it quiets down.


Well-Known Member
.........true if i would have been in his shoes rather then just beat a dog and chance getting stitched up later i would just be disrespectful and back out the door and said fuck that shit


Well-Known Member
i love my dogs! but i really only say ne is a guard dog because she is the only one too ever guard anything! the way i see it the dogs got a right to bite if your on its turf


Well-Known Member
Dude said he shoved the guy into the room. I ain't lookin out for nobodys feelings. I'm lookin out for my safety. Your dog isn't worth my foot. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
I have known that dude i went to school with him....but my dog does not bite people for the fun of it im just going to state that....Think about it


Well-Known Member
The way I see it if someone gets bitten by your dog it's alot easier for them to prove your dog bit them (In which case the police will kill the dog.) then it id for you to prove they were doing something illegal in your house. You are gonna get hit with a civil suit and you WILL lose if your dog mauls someone.