Do you mess with virgin stoners?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about this the other day. How many of you f*ck with people who are new to smoking. I remember a long, long, long (LONG) time ago people used to f*ck with me when I was high (or tripping- crap!). It was a total buzzkill.

So do you do it? Or was I just paranoid?! Nah I know they were f*ckin with me.

I suppose some people deserve it though.


Well-Known Member
i used to have a friend id sesh with, he would always try and mess with me, total buzzkill, its rude, not cool, people think weed will make you see shit, people who smoke weed but belive the poppaganda shouldnt be allowed to smoke:cuss::cuss::cuss:


Well-Known Member
i used to have a friend id sesh with, he would always try and mess with me, total buzzkill, its rude, not cool, people think weed will make you see shit, people who smoke weed but belive the poppaganda shouldnt be allowed to smoke:cuss::cuss::cuss:
Yeah I do think it's rude. Totally against the stoner vibe.


Well-Known Member
i try to be a friendly teacher when i smoke with new stoners :)

makes them feel less intimidated. i feel bad when i see them all shaky and nervous like it's crack or something haha bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's just bad karma. You don't want people to buzzkill you when your stoned or frying so why do it to others? Instead, like other people mentioned, I try to show people the positives to a high life and how marijuana can be beneficial in anyone's life. The more people that know that truth that MJ isn't some gateway drug that breeds crackheads, the better our futures are for decriminalized/legal pot.


Well-Known Member
I got no prob they just aint rolling the blunt is all.
we are abrasive so if any of my lightweights/newbie friends start fucking around, we just say shut the fuck up n chill. that works for many pple.


Well-Known Member
well what do you mean by messing with you? like actually doing something physical or saying shit like "the cops are here run!!"? because my friends have tried that old cops thing but it doesn't work on me. my friends do mess with me though in a way, but it doesn't kill a vibe. like on one occasion my one friend that my nose was turning black and I ran into the bathroom to look in the mirros and I just fell to the floor laughing. another one was my friend running in place and he was talking with a high pitched voice kinda saying he was a magical fairy running on a rainbow...funny shit lol


Well-Known Member
yeh i don't mind if ur new to smokin i'll let u in, but when u start fucking off or acting higher than u r that's when i'll start fuckin with u i'll give u n example
me and 2 others went and got some bud loaded up the blunt and we brought him along
i knew it was a mistake letting him smoke the weed i paid for when he would take huge hits but was actually holding the back of his throat closed and blowin the smoke out as soon as he pulled, then since he's a newbie he may of been a little high he starting running around while sayn "for real dawg i'm so sleepy!" hittin peoples head running around the park so we were glad when he left
i still hate him btw


Well-Known Member
I don't cause I wouldn't have wanted it to happen to me. People did fuck with me when I first started smoking


Well-Known Member
Not so much do I mess with the folks, but I have been known to meet my pro musician friends as they exit the bandstand and talk 'em into comin' out and havin' a few hits of my "home grown" . . . then I watch 'em try and keep/get it together when they return from their break.
Now a lot of muzo's will follow me out anymore.


Well-Known Member
yea i also was smoking with someone and when i was in the washroom, they started smoking out of my stash w/o my knowledge...mad buzzkill, its mad beacuse they were trying to make it like they never did anybongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie:peace::peace::peace: