Do you regulars in Politics actually even smoke weed?

needs gravy and cheese curds.


poutine is totally gross looking and i would never put that shit in my body..ew:spew:

i mean we're talking about french fries, gravy and cottage cheese.



you're already past..just keep going and don't look back.

if you feel like you are missing something from your brain..Wellbutrin cuts you the get up and go..Lexapro stabilizes your emotional..i take both.

how are you sleeping?
I thought you ate a bunch of paint chips to make you retarded, now I see it's prescription drugs
Whiskey with Boeskey, and cookies with Milken?


Repercussions from Boesky’s fall were big; those from Milken’s were bigger still. Milken had appeared before Congress in April 1988, when momentum behind both takeover and insider trading legislation was weak. Two weeks after that testimony, however, Representatives Dingell and Markey produced a new insider trading bill, increasing penalties for insider trading, penalizing firms that failed to police employee behavior, and awarding bounties to informants in securities fraud cases.
She will mislead you with anecdotal stories about taking webutrin/lyrica/vodka morning waker uppers. Don't do it I say.

you don't have to read my anecdotal can even put me on ignore if you'd like.

Over the past two decades, the use of antidepressants has skyrocketed. One in 10 Americans now takes an antidepressant medication; among women in their 40s and 50s, the figure is one in four.

it's no longer the stigma it used to be and i'm glad i was smart enough to get help, unlike my mom, who denied it to her grave..this is very sad for our family being scanda and all we live a very healthy long life..grandma just celebrated her 98th in november and she still drive a car and all her shopping..she even bails out my scumbag, trash family from prison.